Mr. Bruner, I was a passenger on the ship you son was working on the week he was shot. My wife and I send our condolences to you and your family for this senseless loss. The crew of the Liberty Clipper were devastated by your sons death, and they spoke fondly of him and his passion for life, adventure and sailing. Reading peoples comments in the boats log book showed it was not only the crew which thought highly of your son, but also guests on the Liberty. I wish i had had the chance to shake his hand and say hello. His unfortunate death will hopefully affect some changes here in Nassau. As a resident here we are all shocked, disappointed, saddened and sorry in this tragic event. Please know you all are in our thoughts and prayers. Regards, Cj
carlh57 11 years, 10 months ago
Mr. Bruner, I was a passenger on the ship you son was working on the week he was shot. My wife and I send our condolences to you and your family for this senseless loss. The crew of the Liberty Clipper were devastated by your sons death, and they spoke fondly of him and his passion for life, adventure and sailing. Reading peoples comments in the boats log book showed it was not only the crew which thought highly of your son, but also guests on the Liberty. I wish i had had the chance to shake his hand and say hello. His unfortunate death will hopefully affect some changes here in Nassau. As a resident here we are all shocked, disappointed, saddened and sorry in this tragic event. Please know you all are in our thoughts and prayers. Regards, Cj
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