The problem with the Bahamas is they are just use to the American tourist coming no matter what.
Well let me let you in on a little known secret now, No matter how many commercials that the Atlantis plays over here in the US and no matter how matter deals they offer the Americans aren't having it any longer.
We had an incident regarding my family last year at the atlantis (My family has been visiting for over 30 years) And everyone seem so concerned even to the point of calling us when we arrived back home and claimed they were going to handle what happend and offered our family restitution well needless to say when I followed up on this no one knew what I was talking about.
I also want to ad that when I do visit with my family that we leave behind each time about 30-50k which I'm not complaining about and we also visit 3-4 times a year staying at the cove at the atlantis.
Our last visit was this last christmas 2012 and I stopped to talk to one of the young cops that was walking down town and ask him about his gun he was carrying and he proceeded to explain to me he knew ABSOLUTELY nothing about which I find EXTREMELY interesting. I ask "What is it that you are gonna do with a 8-10 inch 5-6 shot revolver?" His response was "Is that what this is?" I said "are you serious?" Him and I carried on in conversation and he proceeded to ask me what it would take to be a cop in the USA because the pay and the corruption runs rampid and that he doesn't want to be part of.
I will also ad that it is well known here in the USA that the bahamas isn't the place to visit any more and there are commercials out on tv explaining why. Until they clean up there act in the bahamas that visits to the bahamas from americans CEASE!!
As an American that "USE to visit the bahamas 4-6 times a year I'm sadden at the crime and corruption that has plagued the bahamas. Let me ask,you don't think we know what goes happens on carmichael and bain town? I'm sick and tired of the garbage that is going on over there in such a beautiful place. Another question,why is it that the bahamian people are putting up with the chinese people taken over there country?? They built the new stadium,borrowed money for the infrastructure (roads and bridges) they are growing food over on andros and the worst part the chinese are shipping the food back home. Bah ha mar another chinese project. I will say this once and only once while there is one bahamian out of work,homeless,hungry,without health insurance the government SHOULD NOT ALLOW ONE FOREIGNER TO WORK in the bahamas until the bahamian people have the first chance PERIOD. I'm sick of the PLP,FNM and the DNA. IT'S TIME TO RETURN THE BAHAMAS BACK TO THE PEACE AND TRANQUILITY IT ONCE WAS AND IS KNOWN FOR.
CRock 12 years, 1 month ago
The problem with the Bahamas is they are just use to the American tourist coming no matter what.
Well let me let you in on a little known secret now, No matter how many commercials that the Atlantis plays over here in the US and no matter how matter deals they offer the Americans aren't having it any longer.
We had an incident regarding my family last year at the atlantis (My family has been visiting for over 30 years) And everyone seem so concerned even to the point of calling us when we arrived back home and claimed they were going to handle what happend and offered our family restitution well needless to say when I followed up on this no one knew what I was talking about.
I also want to ad that when I do visit with my family that we leave behind each time about 30-50k which I'm not complaining about and we also visit 3-4 times a year staying at the cove at the atlantis.
Our last visit was this last christmas 2012 and I stopped to talk to one of the young cops that was walking down town and ask him about his gun he was carrying and he proceeded to explain to me he knew ABSOLUTELY nothing about which I find EXTREMELY interesting. I ask "What is it that you are gonna do with a 8-10 inch 5-6 shot revolver?" His response was "Is that what this is?" I said "are you serious?" Him and I carried on in conversation and he proceeded to ask me what it would take to be a cop in the USA because the pay and the corruption runs rampid and that he doesn't want to be part of.
I will also ad that it is well known here in the USA that the bahamas isn't the place to visit any more and there are commercials out on tv explaining why. Until they clean up there act in the bahamas that visits to the bahamas from americans CEASE!!
CRock 12 years, 1 month ago
As an American that "USE to visit the bahamas 4-6 times a year I'm sadden at the crime and corruption that has plagued the bahamas. Let me ask,you don't think we know what goes happens on carmichael and bain town? I'm sick and tired of the garbage that is going on over there in such a beautiful place. Another question,why is it that the bahamian people are putting up with the chinese people taken over there country?? They built the new stadium,borrowed money for the infrastructure (roads and bridges) they are growing food over on andros and the worst part the chinese are shipping the food back home. Bah ha mar another chinese project. I will say this once and only once while there is one bahamian out of work,homeless,hungry,without health insurance the government SHOULD NOT ALLOW ONE FOREIGNER TO WORK in the bahamas until the bahamian people have the first chance PERIOD. I'm sick of the PLP,FNM and the DNA. IT'S TIME TO RETURN THE BAHAMAS BACK TO THE PEACE AND TRANQUILITY IT ONCE WAS AND IS KNOWN FOR.
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