Bahamian People are so impatient and petty. The former prime minister had 5 years to deal with crime. I give him a fair chance, he failed. The current PM had only arrived and already they talking bout he has 6 murders under his watch. Give the man time to get his cabinet in order. Bahamians need to get away from the government suppose to do everything for me and learn to do for themselves. Get up and go look for a job, if you see crime happening report it. We have to work together and stop blaming one person for your problems. Learn to live within your means. Stop wasting gas joy riding. We really need to do better as a country.
LOL all I can do is laugh.Have any of you'll actually seen inside the house? The restrooms?.The majority of you would probably strike if you worked in those conditions. I hardly ever comment on this site for the same reason cause there never seems to be anyone with anything positive!. How old are you guys? Seriously? Some of you'll talk like you guys have been around awhile!
Listen instead of burning holes in your keyboard, go out and try make a difference. Everyone seem to have all the solutions, but wont do nothing about it lol. Im 28 years old wanted to run for politics, but seeing how my people act has discouraged me unfortunately.
Most Bahamians are so behind the times and still stuck in the 1700s. K4C is talking about history. I would be glad if everything British was gotten rid of. We're suppose to be Independent and still talking about British... the same people that dont do anything for us. Not to mention they over turn every ruling on convicted criminals! . You need to read your history. Hey maybe they can revamp the old house and upgrade it.
Before the year out I wish for every single Bahamian black or white, to try uplifting their fellow Bahamians instead of brining them down
MyBahamianPeople 12 years, 10 months ago
Bahamian People are so impatient and petty. The former prime minister had 5 years to deal with crime. I give him a fair chance, he failed. The current PM had only arrived and already they talking bout he has 6 murders under his watch. Give the man time to get his cabinet in order. Bahamians need to get away from the government suppose to do everything for me and learn to do for themselves. Get up and go look for a job, if you see crime happening report it. We have to work together and stop blaming one person for your problems. Learn to live within your means. Stop wasting gas joy riding. We really need to do better as a country.
MyBahamianPeople 12 years, 1 month ago
LOL all I can do is laugh.Have any of you'll actually seen inside the house? The restrooms?.The majority of you would probably strike if you worked in those conditions. I hardly ever comment on this site for the same reason cause there never seems to be anyone with anything positive!. How old are you guys? Seriously? Some of you'll talk like you guys have been around awhile!
Listen instead of burning holes in your keyboard, go out and try make a difference. Everyone seem to have all the solutions, but wont do nothing about it lol. Im 28 years old wanted to run for politics, but seeing how my people act has discouraged me unfortunately.
Most Bahamians are so behind the times and still stuck in the 1700s. K4C is talking about history. I would be glad if everything British was gotten rid of. We're suppose to be Independent and still talking about British... the same people that dont do anything for us. Not to mention they over turn every ruling on convicted criminals! . You need to read your history. Hey maybe they can revamp the old house and upgrade it.
Before the year out I wish for every single Bahamian black or white, to try uplifting their fellow Bahamians instead of brining them down
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