

NoWepon 12 years, 5 months ago

It will always be a shame on this Government ,if we can't get it right on conflict issues. Yes Mr. Dorset is a partner with Graham Thompson and maybe he gets to share in the profits of the Firm and yes the last provable day he worked for them in the public light was on July 31 2012 on Case number #473-2010, I don’t think it was wise for him to accept such a position of impartiality on August 1st 2012 were his client (of yesterday!!) will ask for a price increase a few days latter , that is to bold even for the PLP.

In saying all of that i must say that i have always found Mr. Dorset to be a man of great integrity but this was not a good move for URCA or the Bahamian people. Cable Bahamas Limited would have been advised that their lawyer was taking a TOP post at URCA and it appears that they for the first time in 17 years thought it was a good idea to apply to their "Lawyers" Board for a rise. NOT Good for Cable's image and NOT good for Bahamians. Cable should withdraw and Mr. Dorset must leave URCA and both should give a public statement on the issue.

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