Low balling a bid for a construction project does not entitle the construction company to reap the profit they would have earned had they submitted a higher bid for the project in the first place! Cavalier's sense of entitlement to rip off Public Treasury (the hardworking Bahamian taxpayers) no matter what is profiteering no matter how you look at it!! Cavalier was probably celebrating with much delight when they heard that the dimwitted Frank Smith (son-in-law of Franky Wilson aka Snake) would be approving all cheque payments made payable to Cavalier from the outset of the project!!
Well_mudda_take_sic 10 years, 7 months ago
Low balling a bid for a construction project does not entitle the construction company to reap the profit they would have earned had they submitted a higher bid for the project in the first place! Cavalier's sense of entitlement to rip off Public Treasury (the hardworking Bahamian taxpayers) no matter what is profiteering no matter how you look at it!! Cavalier was probably celebrating with much delight when they heard that the dimwitted Frank Smith (son-in-law of Franky Wilson aka Snake) would be approving all cheque payments made payable to Cavalier from the outset of the project!!
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