She is not a very smart woman I'd say. First of all for doing what she did what regards to the letter, and second of all by having the audacity to sue the company after they fired her for doing it. I'd imagine that this woman was making at least 70K per year, why wouldn't she be able to buy a TV outright in cash. No doubt she sexed and talked her way into that job and is really absent of any academic ability or work compotency. However ethics is lacking in the Bahamas in a big way, so perhaps she was just following suit.
Self-control, discipline, prudence are all things greatly lacking, amongst many Bahamians. Everyone trying to keep up with the Jones', usually with an empty bank account, and an empty brain that causes it. Sacrifice and hard-work are things which many Bahamians don't understand, which partially explains the D grade point average, we live for now not for tomorrow.
Police too busy sitting up in strip clubs, watching the show and then locking the workers up because the club owner probably didn't pay money to the 'right' people, instead of using the same energy and effort stopping 'real' crime that is happening where people's property is being destroyed. Go figure. Bahamas= third world banana republic
I figure they probably need to repay some supporters, so no better way than to give out some hefty contracts to your loyal supporters to build a new house and PM's residence. Listening to Christie and his boys, the former administration left the country finances in terrible shape (which there is probably some truth to), owing to that being the case, why in the world would you spend 50 plus million on something like that, which the country doesn't need, even if you want to repay your loyal supporters. The PM has officially lost his mind.
lakerfan242 12 years, 7 months ago
She is not a very smart woman I'd say. First of all for doing what she did what regards to the letter, and second of all by having the audacity to sue the company after they fired her for doing it. I'd imagine that this woman was making at least 70K per year, why wouldn't she be able to buy a TV outright in cash. No doubt she sexed and talked her way into that job and is really absent of any academic ability or work compotency. However ethics is lacking in the Bahamas in a big way, so perhaps she was just following suit.
lakerfan242 12 years, 6 months ago
Self-control, discipline, prudence are all things greatly lacking, amongst many Bahamians. Everyone trying to keep up with the Jones', usually with an empty bank account, and an empty brain that causes it. Sacrifice and hard-work are things which many Bahamians don't understand, which partially explains the D grade point average, we live for now not for tomorrow.
lakerfan242 12 years, 5 months ago
Police too busy sitting up in strip clubs, watching the show and then locking the workers up because the club owner probably didn't pay money to the 'right' people, instead of using the same energy and effort stopping 'real' crime that is happening where people's property is being destroyed. Go figure. Bahamas= third world banana republic
lakerfan242 12 years, 1 month ago
I figure they probably need to repay some supporters, so no better way than to give out some hefty contracts to your loyal supporters to build a new house and PM's residence. Listening to Christie and his boys, the former administration left the country finances in terrible shape (which there is probably some truth to), owing to that being the case, why in the world would you spend 50 plus million on something like that, which the country doesn't need, even if you want to repay your loyal supporters. The PM has officially lost his mind.
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