Letters to the Editor


Monatgue will miss Jessie Emmanuel

A special memorial service was held at the Montagu Beach and Park for Mr Jessie Emmanuel in front of the Fort where he sat each morning.

In memory of an iconic Bahamian

It is with great sadness and sincere sympathy that I write this tribute to one of our most renowned and iconic Bahamian sons, A Loftus Roker.

Someone, be honest with Minnis

The photos told the story. Recent photos in the print media showed Michael Pintard flanked by high ranking officials and other members of the FNM, which was clearly not the case for the Minnis’ team.

Remove VAT from all medical

There has to be an SOS going out to the people who have medical health insurance and those who have requirement for expensive medication.

Pintard is not young generation

TWO weeks prior, the FNM and the nation at large witnessed two individuals whom I hold in high regard step up to vie for the position of leading our party into the upcoming general election.

Concerns over Bill on electricity

Kindly permit me to publicly express my views on the Electricity Bill, 2024, which would permit Bahamas Power and Light (BPL), or any electricity supplier, to set their own tariff rates for three years without approval from the Utilities Regulation & Competition Authority (URCA).

BPL must stay under URCA

Take the already high electricity rates out of the supervision of URCA means one single fact … the Davis-Cooper Government does not want to be re-elected … this is suicide for them and a catastrophe for the consumers.

Copying the FNM

Very unusual for the PLP to copy the FNM but for some reason painting white the curbs along our roads is at full force everywhere Government employees are painting away.

FOCOL shares smoke and mirrors

WE may recall about a month or two back an article published in The Tribune where it was stated that “FOCOL was pregnant with opportunities”.

Annoyed by lawless motorcyclists

THE quiet of Sunday evening out west was broken for hours by the wheeling hoard of 10-15 motorcyclists doing their thing on West Bay…right across each side of the street.

Will GB rise to the occasion?

As A Digital Transformation Consultant of Bahamian descent residing overseas, with a keen aspiration to witness the flourishing of my homeland, allow me to commence with the first of several letters. These missives will centre on individuals addressing the promising resurgence of the Bahamian Economy, highlighting the pivotal role of Grand Bahama in this revitalization.

Rudeness by agent for Bahamasair trip

Recently, several members of my family travelled to George Town, Exuma, to attend a 95th birthday celebration for a member of our family.

Where did govt shares in GBPA go?

The recent brouhaha between the government and the Grand Bahama Port Authority that has found its way onto the front pages of your newspaper reminded us of another controversial subject involving these two protagonists.

Minnis and McCartney alliance?

After I saw photos of former Free National Movement Leader Dr Hubert Minnis with former Democratic National Alliance Leader Branville McCartney in Long Island to promote the former’s book “The Power of Determination”, I told a family member that it looks like Minnis is building an alliance

NIB comes through after long wait

I had filed an appeal at NIB in September 2021. It would appear that for some reason the appeal was “sat on” for about two years.
