Govt to sell Crown land to facilitate building of health facility in Abaco

Prime Minister Philip "Brave" Davis speaks during a sitting of the House of Assembly on May 15, 2024. Photo: Dante Carrer/Tribune Staff

Prime Minister Philip "Brave" Davis speaks during a sitting of the House of Assembly on May 15, 2024. Photo: Dante Carrer/Tribune Staff


Tribune Chief Reporter


A NEW medical centre will be constructed on Abaco, a move officials say will help expand healthcare services on the island.

Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis said the new centre would be a walk-in clinic and urgent care facility that offers essential medical services to Abaco residents.

His comments came during a debate in the House of Assembly yesterday on a resolution allowing the government to sell 1.35 acres of Crown land to Abaco Medi Centre to construct the health facility.

“The new Abaco Medi Centre will be a walk-in clinic and urgent care facility providing essential medical services to the Abaco community,” Mr Davis said yesterday. 

“Currently, they employ the only emergency medicine specialist on the island. Facilitating their growth will mean an expansion in the selection of healthcare services and an improved ability to meet the healthcare needs of those in Abaco and the surrounding cays.”

Plans to build a new medical facility on Abaco come as residents there continue their recovery from Hurricane Dorian in 2019.

Yesterday, Mr Davis said this latest investment in Abaco shows that the island’s “brightest days are still ahead.”

“When we have investors making room for expansion and growth like we see with the new Abaco Medic Centre building, it is a clear signal to the world that Abaco is resilient, thriving and fully expecting to see robust growth,” he added.

Former Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis said he supported the resolution, but not the land’s price. 

“It’s a bit too much,” he said. “I think it should’ve been $40,000, if not less, but I support the continued development of Abaco and its health sector.”   

St Anne’s MP Adrian White called for more details on the project and asked how the government acquired the land.

During his contribution, Mr Davis the government is selling the land for $120,000; however, parliamentarians yesterday passed a resolution for the land to be sold for a sum to be agreed by the minister of finance that is no greater than $50,000.


DWW 2 weeks, 2 days ago

Wow, prime centre of marsh harbour land that could get up to $500k on the open market is going to a tenth of the value to a profit oriented individual. This is not some altruistic donation. This is not a non-profit organization it is a for profit medical facility and they should pay fair market value in my opinion. But then again, I guess I didn't campaign and donate so I should just keep quiet.


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