Super Value opens Cable Beach store


Rupert Roberts

By Sancheska Brown

Tribune Staff Reporter


SUPER VALUE’S Cable Beach location opened its doors yesterday, employing more than 70 new and former City Market employees.

Rubert Roberts, President of Super Value said the new store, “Quality Supermarkets”, will be a new chain but would still offer the same product lines and prices as Super Value. He said what he is most excited about with the opening of the new Cable Beach Store is being able to supply jobs to people in need.

“Providing 70 new jobs is the most thrilling thing about it. There are 70 new people working. They have jobs and they can now start paying their bills, buy food, they can pay their electricity bill, they can pay their mortgage, that’s the most thrilling thing about this we get to help one another,” he said.

“In about three months we hope to be opening in South Beach and a month after hope to be open in Sea Grapes. That will be over 200 jobs,” he said.

“The former Prime Minister once said he has respect for anybody who gives someone else a job, so if we could all employ somebody we can help ourselves out of this economic situation.”

Mr Roberts said even more jobs will be created as a result of the three new stores because they will create a “ripple effect.”

He said: “It has a ripple effect. You will have to have more office staff, more warehouse staff and more truck drivers. When you get more business the agencies have to have more employees to service you. It will continue to create more and more jobs. Jobs, jobs, jobs, we need jobs.”

Mr Roberts said together with his 10 Super Value stores, the new stores give him close to a 40 per cent share of the Bahamian food retail market. He is not worried at all that they will take business away from the existing stores.


TalRussell 11 years, 10 months ago

Then, the "original" Hubert A should have shown more respect for his former, trusted law partner, after all didn't he create a job for him as his law partner, helping him to make his first million dollars? Some Comrades does talk out both sided their mouths.

Little wonder the natives wised-up on Decision Day 2012 and thrown his red shirts down the steps from power.

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by TalRussell


MrsAnderson 11 years, 10 months ago

I applaud Mr. Roberts who has turned this awful fiasco into a win-win situation. He is to be commended for caring enough to provide jobs for the employees of the former CM.


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