Following the Butler tradition

EDITOR, The Tribune.

I sometimes get so sad when I see some people criticising others who are only trying to help others. I couldn’t be prouder of Mrs Loretta Butler Turner. Like so many other Bahamians I admire her family and their commitment to service. The Butlers have always been dedicated to serving their country, especially those in need.

When I read in the newspaper that Mrs Butler Turner was going to ask her colleagues about participating in a march to support struggling homeowners, I remembered hearing about when Sir Milo marched to the Royal Bank of Canada downtown to demand that the bank hire black tellers.

I’m so sad that some people didn’t want to support her idea to march together with struggling Bahamians who risk losing their homes, especially since I heard that most of her colleagues thought it was a wonderful idea. So do many people I’ve talked with.

Loretta’s parents Raleigh and Rose Butler also set a good example in terms of community service. Of course the service given by Sir Milo goes without saying. But we shouldn’t forget the generosity and kindness of Lady Caroline Butler who in her own quiet way gave so much back to the community.

Even before Sir Milo there was Mother Frances Butler, Loretta’s great grandmother. Mother Butler was a founder of the Mothers’ Club, The YWCA, The YMCA and The Silver Bells.

All of these organisations were set up to help struggling Bahamians and those in need of assistance, including orphans, poorer Bahamians and older people.

Mrs Butler Turner is not only a wonderful example to younger people about giving back service. She is a friend to struggling Bahamians. She is also a fine example of the kind of service that the Butler family has given to the Bahamas for many generations.

God bless you, Loretta Butler Turner. Wait on the Lord and keep up the good work.



March 31, 2014.


birdiestrachan 10 years, 1 month ago

Will a march help those people to pay their mortgages?. what they really need is good hard cash. a march is simply all about the politics.


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