Woman are different but equal

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Politics aside, women and men are different, but should be equal. The Constitution “must,” correct this mistake.

I do not want to be misunderstood, so I used some simple language, even though repetitious, to emphasise my exact thinking. Every point is definitely deliberate, methodical and calculating.

Male chauvinist has, since time immemorial, bullied women purporting as being in charge and ruler of the kingdom, and what they said goes. Many men have instilled fear in women so much so that the poor women gave up their rights, just to keep the peace.

Of course some women, especially those who think little of themselves and who can’t see themselves as being able to support themselves acquiesce to the men, so as to give the impression that the man was in charge.

Let’s not get these points confused with “the man is the head of the house, like Christ is the head of the church”.

The Constitution should make sure that the same rights accorded to men should be given to women, straight across the board. IF NOT, WHY NOT???? Only weak men will object. Silly women with “very low self esteem” and men who have no respect for any woman would object.

Men who only see women as a “piece of meat’, to mutilate and, yes, even slaughter during sex, and only good enough to cook and clean the house will object. The uninformed will object, the selfish will object and those who have no problem remaining in pre-historic times will object. Men who like to control women, and women who like to be controlled by men will certainly object. Those with psychological disorder will also object.

No gentleman will object, no man who loves his mother, wife, sister and daughter will object. People who want society to advance will not object, politicians who really respect its constituents will not object. Intelligent, independent minded ladies will definitely not object, and men who have been exposed to how the real world operates will support this bill. Pastors who are operating “above board” will not object.

It is high time, we as Bahamians move our thinking out of our rear, and move toward “first world thinking”. Those who are objecting are the same ones who would probably not support the Freedom of Information Act.



August 13, 2014.


themessenger 9 years, 9 months ago

Thank you Mr. Ingraham for voicing a few hard truths that many Bahamian men can't come to grips with.Too many of them still see women as personal property to be used and abused. Bahamian women have been mistreated and marginalized long enough, lets see how many real men will pay heed and do what must be done.


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