'Make the right decision on Sir Arthur's successor'

Loretta Butler-Turner in the House of Assembly.

Loretta Butler-Turner in the House of Assembly.


Tribune Staff Reporter


FREE National Movement Deputy Leader Loretta-Butler-Turner is hopeful the government will make the right decision on the appointment of a new governor general amid a revelation that Dame Marguerite Pindling owes hundreds of thousands of dollars in real property taxes.

Prime Minister Perry Christie confirmed yesterday that Dame Marguerite was under consideration to replace Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes. Sir Arthur will demit office on July 8, it was confirmed earlier this week.

When asked for comment on the matter, Mrs Butler-Turner said she wanted to be careful in her remarks as it has not been officially confirmed that Dame Marguerite will assume the governor general’s post. 

“I don’t know any of that to be factual,” Mrs Butler-Turner said, when asked for comment. “I have only read it and I rather not pass comment on that at this time. I think it is up to the government to determine that when they make decisions regarding appointments that they know they are doing what’s best for the Bahamian people. That’s all I would have to say on that.”

On Thursday, The Tribune reported that Dame Marguerite, the widow of the country’s first Bahamian prime minister, Sir Lynden Pindling owed $306,831.73 in real property tax on her home in western New Providence. Documents obtained by The Tribune show that the taxes were not paid since 2000.

Sir Lynden died on August 26 that year.

An official in the Ministry of Finance could not say yesterday if Dame Marguerite had applied for a waiver because of financial hardship.

According to the Real Property Tax Act, Section 33, the minister of finance may, upon receipt of a written application from a person owing tax, authorise the total or partial exemption from payment of tax, or a deferment of liability to pay the whole or part of the tax.

The Act also states that where the minister is satisfied and taking into consideration an impoverished condition of that person and their inability to improve such condition significantly by reason of age, impaired health or other special circumstances, that undue hardship to that person would otherwise ensue.

A relief certificate may be made subject to such conditions as the minister may think fit and any such conditions shall be specified in the certificate.

The Act goes on to say that before a relief certificate can be issued, the applicant is required to present proof of age, health and financial circumstances and any other matters relevant to the determination of the application as the minister might require.

However, the outstanding taxes will be immediately due to the government and paid out of the applicant’s estate upon death.

Dame Marguerite declined to comment for the second time yesterday when she was contacted by The Tribune.


Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years, 11 months ago

Christie and "Little Good" Brad are mentally disturbed in far too many very unhealthy ways. They now seem to be suggesting Mrs. Ping should not be held liable for her unpaid real property taxes (including penalties and interest accrued to date) because she is somehow (in their lame minds) suffering from financial hardship and entitled to much more than she has received from a country greatly indebted to her. Meanwhile Mrs. Ping lives in a lake side mansion on an 11 acre estate in an exclusive Cable Beach neighborhood collecting a pension and other benefits well in excess of $100,000 a year of the Peoples money from Public Treasury. The average Bahamian on the other hand is struggling like never before to try and make ends meet while enduring financial hardships Christie and "Little Good" Brad can only begin to imagine. THE PEOPLE OF THIS COUNTRY HAVE ALREADY GRACIOUSLY ENDOWED MRS. PING WITH MUCH MORE THAN THE COUNTRY CAN AFFORD AND THE VERY LEAST SHE SHOULD HAVE DONE AS AN EXPRESSION OF HER GRATITUDE TO THE BAHAMIAN PEOPLE IS PAY HER TAXES WHEN THEY BECAME DUE! INSTEAD SHE HAS SPIT IN THE EYE OF THE MANY TRULY POOR BAHAMIAN PEOPLE AND CAST SHAME ON OUR COUNTRY!! THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE CHRISTIE, NO MATTER HOW MUCH HOT AIR YOU AND "LITTLE GOOD" BRAD MAY SPEW TO TRY AND SPIN THE FACTS OF THIS HIGHLY EMBARRASSING MATTER FOR THE PEOPLE (NOT MRS. PING) GIVEN THE VERY PUBLIC PERSONA WE (THE PEOPLE) BESTOWED ON HER FOR HER ENJOYMENT. If Christie nominates her for appointment as GG, he himself will be spitting in the eye of the Queen! Go ahead Christie, we dare you! Many of us are well connected to the British Press and London Tabloids and would love to see your insanity feature on the front pages for weeks.....one story after another about your corrupt style of politics that has left a once wealthy country on the verge of financial ruin.


birdiestrachan 9 years, 11 months ago

If bad pay was a crime or a sin 95% 0f the world population would be in Jail. and on their way to hell. Mr. Roberts said her bill has been paid. Mr. Christie if Ms. Pindling would accept the position then give it to her. and let them rant and rage. Mr. Ingraham gave the job of Chief Justice to a known FNM who had recently lost his bid for a seat in the house. RIGHT NOW they are at the dump yard digging for something else against her..

She will do well in the position her grace and deportment will serve the Bahamas and its people well, The Lady is a class act.


John 9 years, 10 months ago

Lady Pindling's annual tax bill is more than what the whole island of ocean cay is being leased for annually. Bahamians pay $2.50 for a bag of sand while a foreign company is paying $2.00 a ton and taking millions and millions of metric tonnes of aragonite out of the country and making BILLION$ and BILLION$ while the country is saddled with BILLION$ in national debt. Or is it really a foreign company? And our leaders want to tax the Bahamian even more! WHO RUN THINGS!


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