Wells ‘will not speak about letter of intent’


Renward Wells


Tribune Staff Reporter


BAMBOO Town MP Renward Wells has said he would not speak in the House of Assembly when it resumes on the controversial $650 million letter of intent with Stellar Waste Management insisting that “nothing else needs to be said” because he has sufficiently explained his position in the past weeks.

The former Ministry of Works Parliamentary Secretary yesterday told The Tribune that while he accepted full responsibility for his actions, the issue had now been reduced to a “mere tempest in a tea cup”.

Mr Wells was embroiled for months in controversy over his signing the letter of intent for plans to build a waste-to-energy plant at the New Providence Landfill. It is said that he signed the letter without proper authorisation.

He told The Nassau Guardian last week, following the death of Bahamas Faith Ministries International senior pastor Dr Myles Munroe and eight others, that he was instructed by the world-renowned author to speak to the good of the letter.

However, his comments drew fierce criticism from Free National Movement Chairman Darron Cash and Democratic National Alliance leader Branville McCartney.

“(Mr) Cash is concerned about me when he should be telling the nation why he should be deputy leader of the FNM and possibly deputy leader of the country,” Mr Wells said.

“There was a leadership debate that was scheduled by the Guardian and Cash did not show up. Instead of telling me what I should be doing, maybe he should focus on convincing the Bahamian people why he should be in charge.

“Cash should debate on national radio rather than hiding behind statements, (both) him and Branville. They both want to be leaders but they have not told us why. They want to lead but have not told the Bahamian people where they want to take them.”

He continued: “I spoke on the LOI (letter of intent) after Pastor Myles died. I said what I had to say. I was prepared to make a statement in the House of Assembly on July 21, but I did not because my party asked me not to.

“They said an investigation had to be done and then I said I will speak after the Prime Minister spoke. That is why it took so long. Nothing else needs to be said. I answered every question. I will not speak to this again. I take responsibility for my actions (and) I explained why I did it. I will not continue to talk about this.”

He also criticised former PLP cabinet Minister George Smith, who said Mr Wells only managed to capture 39 per cent of the popular vote during the 2012 general election in winning the Bamboo Town seat. Mr Smith made the remarks after Mr Wells, in October, said he would resign if Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins was expelled from the party.

“I won Bamboo Town and I will win it again. My detractors think that the LOI thing would have killed me but it made me stronger (and) it elevated me. It did not hurt me. People know I have the country’s best interest at heart. So they see me and they say ‘keep doing what you are doing’,” Mr Wells said.


birdiestrachan 9 years, 6 months ago

Mr. Wells you are 100% correct, what ever you say will be twisted, and they will start a fire all over again, Say nothing let them twist that . Never mind Cash who can never ever win a seat in the house,, and you must know that Bran with not one single idea in his head is still suffering from the whipping you gave him. A man who took food by the garbage to feed hungry people he said. What nonsense, and then he wants hangings on Bays Street.


shortpants 9 years, 6 months ago

Yes you may have spoken ,But you did it at a time when the stage belonged to honest people .You pull the lowest form of a stunt using Pastor Myles death .You was wrong but trust me 2017 you along with the rest of that dishonest party will feel the wrath from us .You know full well their is more to the story than you are telling but always remember when you dig one grave always remember to dig two .


proudloudandfnm 9 years, 6 months ago

Damn these guys are crooked!!! This lil coward has yet to explain a damn thing...

Folded up like a true coward. Colors exposed. Wells is yellow...


John 9 years, 6 months ago

is there so much yellow that it caused the gold rush? just askin


themessenger 9 years, 6 months ago

You don't have to worry about anyone twisting anything Wells said because he didn't say anything,he just let Brave and Perry throw his ass under the bus and he still singing for his supper. What tune ya ga sing nex week when dey fire Rollins pussycat? Not all of the electorate fool like Birdie.


asiseeit 9 years, 6 months ago

The contempt this man is showing for the Bahamian people is disgusting. He works for US. We deserve an explanation. This country has a bunch of M.P.'s running around playing dictator. We are most certainly not headed in the right direction as a nation! Incompetence, corruption, neglect, waste, and arrogance are the hallmarks of our government. It's better in the Bahamas if you are a politician, everyone else is getting screwed


abacogrouper 9 years, 6 months ago

Of course he is not going to say anything. Money...... the great equalizer and silencer.


EasternGate 9 years, 6 months ago

This dishonest PLP jackass has had his 8 minutes of fame. He must be the only member in the house more wimpy than Perry


duppyVAT 9 years, 6 months ago

Money talks guys ....................... we will soon see the reason for his silence. Probably will be another Boozie Rolle ..................... this is some brassy fellas ruling over us now!!!!!!!!

Come 2017 .............. come!!!!!!!!!!!


ThisIsOurs 9 years, 6 months ago

What did had say and exactly what did he explain? "Myles Munroe told me to take responsibility and I do"? Stop using Dr Munroe's name to cover corruption. That's IS what this is, somebody who stood to gain financially sought to keep this deal and the fact that they were pushing this deal from the eyes of the Bahamian public. And make no mistake about it, you are complicit in the deceipt.


Publius 9 years, 6 months ago

Wells is a barnacle clinging to the governing pirates' ship. To use the death of his pastor to cloak himself in this matter is so beyond shameless and inane it is beyond belief.


John 9 years, 6 months ago

WELLS should shut up and say something! "In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity."

Hunter S. Thompson


countryfirst 9 years, 6 months ago

WELLS is just another corrupt member of the POLITICIANS CRIME CARTEL


ChaosObserver 9 years, 6 months ago

A "mere tempest in a tea cup"....to the possible tune of Millions of dollars! yeah, a mere tea cup in the grand scheme of corruption here.....


afficianado 9 years, 6 months ago

This guy has no ethics or integrity. What a loser!!!!


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