Radio host charged over demonstration


Tribune Freeport Reporter


A well-known businessman and radio talk show host was charged on Monday in the Freeport Magistrate’s Court after being arrested for demonstrating without a permit at the Harold DeGregory Government Complex.

Kendal Colebrook, 54, a mechanic and car body repair specialist, and host of Solution Radio, appeared before Magistrate Rengin Johnson in Court Three, where he was charged with idle assembly and demonstrating without a permit.

At 9am on Monday, Colebrook and a small group of persons assembled in front of the government complex, where the Ministry of Grand Bahama offices are located, and proceeded to stage a protest against government’s ban on the importation of damaged vehicles.

Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police Emrick Seymour was on the scene and told the group to cease as they did not have a permit to demonstrate.

Colebrook was arrested by police and arraigned around 2.30pm. He pleaded guilty to the charges and was given a conditional discharge, one year’s probation, and was ordered to undergo two months counselling.


Chucky 8 years, 11 months ago

Why was Mr Colebrook ordered to undergo two months of counselling? Is this a new treatment where we are to repeatedly chant some "pro government" propaganda? No such thing as an illegal protest, but there are many unconstitutional laws that prohibit rights as provided by the constitution, seems to be happening in many western countries. Soon the thought police will be rounding up any and everyone who even thinks about the government in a questionable way.


asiseeit 8 years, 11 months ago

Next the Bahamian gestapo will come knocking in the dead of night and drag you away for voicing your opinion here. Slippery slope!


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