Will Wells stay or go? He says watch his speech


Renward Wells


Tribune Staff Reporter


BAMBOO Town MP Renward Wells would not comment yesterday on whether he plans to resign from the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) but urged the public to pay attention to his speech in the House of Assembly today.

In an interview with The Tribune, Mr Wells said he “respects” Marco City MP Greg Moss’ decision to leave the PLP but remained tight-lipped on rampant speculation that he planned to leave as well. However he said all would be revealed during his budget contribution.

It has been rumored that Mr Wells, who has also spoken out against the PLP in the past, will also leave resign from the party.

His relationship with the government became strained after he was fired last October from his post of parliamentary secretary in the Ministry of Works and Urban Development.

The move came after months of controversy sparked by Mr Wells’ reportedly unauthorised signature on a $650 million letter of intent with a waste-to-energy company last July.

“All I will say is, every man must follow his convictions and his conscience and that should be respected by all,” Mr Wells told The Tribune.

“It is the hallmark of democracy, respecting differences and convictions and Mr Moss followed is conscience. I have nothing more to say as I do not want to preempt my contribution.”

Last Monday, Mr Moss announced in the House of Assembly that he was resigning as a member of the PLP. The resignation took effect the next day.

In a candid discussion with The Tribune the day after announcing he was severing ties with the PLP, Mr Moss branded the governing party as an “elitist” group not concerned with the plight of the average Bahamian.

He said the party had long abandoned the intended principles of former Prime Minister Sir Lynden Pindling.

In his resignation letter, Mr Moss voiced his displeasure with the governing party. He said when he first began to campaign in 2010, he set out with a goal to restore the vision of the PLP as a party to uplift all Bahamians.

“Since being elected as member of Parliament for the Marco City constituency,” the three-page letter read in part, “I have repeatedly attempted to advance those goals through my firm opposition to any and every form of political corruption and my consistent call for the enactment of legislation to advance the interest of our people.

“After three years of championing and attempting to effect such reforms as a member of the Progressive Liberal Party, the fourth budget communication by the prime minister, which is presently being debated in the House, has confirmed to me that those goals are not shared by the present leadership of the Progressive Liberal Party as a government or as a party.”

Prime Minister Perry Christie was not in the House of Assembly when Mr Moss made his announcement. However, in an interview from Brussels, Belgium, with a ZNS reporter, he did not appear surprised by the departure.

He said that the party has dealt with defectors before and warned others who might be considering leaving the fold that the PLP will run candidates against them to win their seats.


duppyVAT 8 years, 11 months ago

Renward Wells spoke as an Old Testament prophet today ................ but no dice.......... he has to feed that big family of his, so he cannot burn all of his bridges like the more wealthy fellas (Moss and Doc Rollins).


birdiestrachan 8 years, 11 months ago

I will be happy if Mr: Wells stays with the PLP there is a future for him there, and if he represents the people well they will vote for him again. I hope the PLP party will be kind to him he made a mistake by what ever he has signed. He will learn from his mistakes. He is young and he deserves a chance to show his talents.


birdiestrachan 8 years, 11 months ago

Mr: Wells will do well to be very careful about what he says to the press. for the most part they do not mean him well, and they will twist what ever he says for example they write this sort of thing "He sees to have suggested" You were right to tell them watch your speech. Let them run with that,


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