Gomez: Flaws show need for National Health Insurance


Minister of Health Dr. Perry Gomez.


Tribune Staff Reporter


HEALTH Minister Dr Perry Gomez yesterday insisted that the inefficiencies within the public health care system underscore the need for National Health Insurance, saying the government hopes to upgrade facilities to improve care throughout the country.

Dr Gomez agreed that Sanigest Internactional’s scathing findings of Princess Margaret Hospital’s (PMH) response timing and rates of mortality were correct. He said those challenges further made the case for the urgency of universal health care.

The Sanigest report found that emergency response times for ambulances in New Providence was on average 34 minutes in 2012-2013.

It is well above the recommended eight minutes arrival time for advanced life support (ALS) calls. In Grand Bahama and Abaco, average response times were 17 minutes 51 seconds and 11 minutes 47 seconds respectively for the same time period.

Death rates for patients at PMH’s public wards are more than 100 per cent higher than those of patients in the facility’s private wards, the report also found.

However, Dr Gomez said that people should not “rush to judgment” over the report. He explained that making a comparison of public and private care in PMH’s private wards was like comparing apples to oranges.

He maintained that while it was ambitious for the government to implement NHI in nine months, they would put their best efforts forward to do it. They plan to roll out the first phase of the initiative in January 2016, one year after Value Added Tax implementation.

“Absolutely (the report is true),” Dr Gomez said, “and that is why we want to introduce the universal health care so that we could create the equity for health care. That is what we have been talking about. If anyone has heard me speak on this matter that is what it is all about.

“What Sanigest recorded I am sure is accurate. Now how does that compare with institutions in other countries, private ward versus public ward? Many of our sister nations in the Caribbean have the same set up. 

“I have never seen data like that from any place else to compare it with. So I wouldn’t rush to judgment on the figures. It is absolutely different and you can’t compare apples with oranges.

“It is a different kind of population that is in one part compared to the other. You have wealthier people in a private setting and poorer people in the other setting and so how do you compare mortality in the two things as a reflection of care?

“It might be the indigenous immune systems that the different populations have and so on. Many other  factors come into being and so I wouldn’t rush to judgment.”

Dr Gomez added that at the time of Sanigest’s presentation of their findings to Cabinet he was of the view that they had been overly critical.

He said the government had not made any decisions on the package of benefits it would go with.

Dr Gomez spoke following the Royal Bahamas Defence Force’s handing over of an ambulance to the Public Hospitals Authority. It was originally earmarked for Bimini but officials yesterday decided to send the ambulance to Grand Bahama, which has only one ambulance in operation at present.

In the coming months, officials said a fleet of 29 ambulances would be purchased in the lead up to NHI implementation.

PHA Managing Director Herbert Brown said that officials planned to ensure EMS response within four minutes of receiving emergency calls.


Economist 9 years, 2 months ago

I am running an inefficient operation so give me more money so that I can clean it up.

Seem to have heard last year that if we got VAT we would then get Fiscal Responsibility Act and a Freedom of Information Act.

Sorry, don't believe you.


asiseeit 9 years, 2 months ago

The mans logic is so flawed it is astounding. He just see's a big old cookie jar. Never in the history of money has a wasteful and broken system been fixed by throwing more money at it. Fix the system, stop the waste, change the mindset, uphold a culture of honesty and above board morals and then money may help. When pigs fly this may happen and I may believe Dr.Gomez. Who by the way looks allot like Sleepy from the seven dwarf's.


ThisIsOurs 9 years, 2 months ago

Wrong, flaws show need to address systemic flaws. New money will not address lousy don't care workers. The difference between the two wards lies in the fact that I get to chose a competent doctor. If more people demand the competent doctors' time you still have a problem with people being killed by incompetent doctors. You have a PEOPLE problem. You need more competent doctors and nurses.stop stuffing PMH with your campaign workers


TalRussell 9 years, 2 months ago

Comrades I need someone to confirm what I heard just today, that before you can be admitted to the "public ward" at PMH, you must first pay a $221 cash payment upfront?

i was also told by a friend that she had to call a ambulance to take a family member to Doctors Hospital from the Hawkins Hill area and it cost her $876? This must have been a billing mistake, or is it possible? If the dollar amount is anywhere near that about i need tell my family to just toss my backside in car's trunk, or ask our neighbour toss me into bed of his pickup truck.


asiseeit 9 years, 2 months ago

TAL that is IF there is a bed in the public ward.


TalRussell 9 years, 2 months ago

Comrade do you have personal knowledge of the $221 fee being true?


asiseeit 9 years, 2 months ago

No, I have been lucky so far and only had to use emergency, thankfully the doctors said I was good to go home. That ordeal lasted for 8 hours ( 7 am - 3 pm) from the time I got there until I walked out.


ThisIsOurs 9 years, 2 months ago

Is that from the time when when the policemen accosted the general?


TheMadHatter 9 years, 2 months ago

You must be a Bahamian. If you learn about a dozen Creole words, you can avoid those fee altogether.



Temichin 9 years, 2 months ago

We have a broken health care system we should try and fix before we put a new one in place if not we will have the same problems


TheMadHatter 9 years, 2 months ago

Hail to the General !!!! Exactly correct.


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