Apologies for ‘stress’ caused by fuel spill


Former Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson.


Tribune Staff Reporter


AMIDST widespread criticism for delays in making a Black and Veatch International report on the Rubis underground gasoline leak public, key members of the Christie administration yesterday laid out remediation plans and insisted that recommendations made in that report were acted on “immediately”.

Attorney General Allyson Maynard Gibson, accompanied by the Environmental Minister Kenred Dorsett, Marathon MP Jerome Fitzgerald, Health Minister Perry Gomez and Chief Medical Officer Glenn Beneby, offered an apology to the residents of Marathon for the “stress and concern” caused by the spill.

“As a government, we understand we should have released the report sooner,” Mrs Maynard-Gibson said. “For the failure to release it sooner we express our sincere regret. We apologise.”

She said that the government had no intention of concealing anything in the 2012 report, adding that it was now “obvious” that the government’s handling of the matter lacked “proper co-ordination and clearly defined protocols between various government agencies”.

Mrs Maynard-Gibson indicated that the government will, within 15 days, appoint an independent expert that understands and has experience in how government procedures ought to work tasked with the job of evaluating the government’s handling of this matter.

She added that the results of that report will be made public upon its completion.

Last week Fort Charlotte MP Dr Andre Rollins called for the formation of a House of Assembly select committee to investigate the fuel leak. Fifteen of the MPs present voted against that, defeating the five Opposition MPs, Dr Rollins and Renward Wells. Fifteen members were absent from the evening session.

Mr Fitzgerald, one of the 15 to vote against the formation of the parliamentary committee, said yesterday that area residents have suffered enough and needed only to be provided with avenues to be heard, cared for and informed.

He added that the government is doing all it can to resolve the persisting issues surrounding its “regrettable” choice to sit on the report instead of releasing its findings.

“As I have said before, I am satisfied that the government’s remediation efforts were and are appropriate,” he said.

Mr Fitzgerald joined Mr Dorsett in his criticism of media reports that both called unsubstantiated.

Mr Dorsett suggested that information being circulated about the Rubis fuel spill lacks proof. He insisted that many of those reports were being pushed “by persons with only second or third hand knowledge” of the matter.

According to the Southern Shores representative, those reports, which he said to date have not been “validated”, brought little clarity to the government’s day one promise of ensuring the health and safety of the “people, community and environment in the area directly affected by the Rubis oil spill”.  

“It is the people of Marathon, the five households directly affected by this situation in particular, who must be at the forefront of our actions,” said Mr Dorsett.

“We wish to correct the record in the matter of the Rubis fuel spill at the Robinson Road service station, and in so doing, highlight government’s actions to ensure the care and safety of residents in the area, particularly the five households directly affected by the spill.”

Mr Dorsett announced that the government will, in the coming weeks, table new legislation for more stringent environmental laws in respect to petroleum companies and create the Department of Environmental Planning and Protection.

He added that the government’s primary focus in the future will be assuring that matters of this nature are handled more efficiently.

In a statement on Sunday the government indicated that samples taken in March 2014 and February 2015 by noted international environmental consulting firm Arcadis, engaged by Rubis, show that in the locations where these steps were taken, the presence of benzene and other potential contaminants are at safe, acceptable levels.

That statement added: “In the interest of public health, however, we will continue testing and monitoring for the next several years under the advisement of international environmental consultants. We will proactively update the public in Marathon and beyond through quarterly reports.”

The Black and Veatch International report found that Marathon residents were possibly exposed to harmful chemicals, including cancer-causing benzene.

The government had the report for more than a year before it was made public last month.


jlcandu 9 years ago

Too little, and too late. Especially after the publicity stunt organized by the PLP at the Town meeting of same.

The AG is only playing lip service since she was probably "told" to apologize by her "boss".

This whole affair is disgraceful and the MP's attending the meeting of apology all need to be fired IMMEDIATELY!! They have displayed their total incompetence and disregard for the people. If they were employed in the private sector, they would have fired.


duppyVAT 9 years ago

Just put all those who hoodwinked the Marathon residents in a room and pour the gas on them


Honestman 9 years ago

Great post but the yellow shirts will continue to sell their soul for a new microwave come the next election. They are beyond help because their party has deliberately kept their education as a low priority. Education frees the mind and allows the people to understand that they deserve better than they are getting from their representatives.


killemwitdakno 9 years ago

I guess they would've had to come up with something else of the sort if they thought they could hide the amount of people feeling sick.


Honestman 9 years ago

Just when you think this administration cannot sink any lower we have this disgraceful charade. The PLP is morally bankrupt from the top to the bottom. Heaven help this country!


duppyVAT 9 years ago

That town meeting last night took us back to the goon squad days of the Pindling regime ............... it proves that the PLP has not changed its mercenary intimidating ways


killemwitdakno 9 years ago

Intimidating always and forever


asiseeit 9 years ago

Last night showed how far these morally bankrupt M.P.s will go to stay in power. That is all that matters to people like Frizgerald, staying in power. How the man could turn the town hall into a political rally is disgusting to say the least. It's all about him and the PLP, to hell with the people. Truly shameful!


Well_mudda_take_sic 9 years ago

Between the admissions made in the recently released Government Statement on this matter, and the admissions made by the so called 'apologizers' mentioned in the above article, Allyson Maynard-Gibson should be made to resign or completely step aside from the AG's Office so that an impartial assessment can be made by a suitably qualified independent prosecutor as to whether criminal charges should be filed against certain individuals. It seems quite clear now that certain high ranking government officials not only knew or ought to have known about the very serious health and life-threatening issues involved here, and not only failed to act expeditiously to protect (as much as possible) the health and safety of the Marathon residents and the value of their property, but these officials instead wantonly orchestrated the delay and/or cover up of vital information that could and should have been used to help save lives. Some may have already perished and undoubtedly others will too at a later time as a result of their unnecessary suffering of prolonged exposure to the toxic chemicals that remain in the soil and ground water. The grave misconduct of those key government officials who seem to have played a very deliberate role in orchestrating the delay and/or cover of the information and proper actions that should been taken very possibly rises to the level of serious criminal offenses. The entire matter warrants a full and proper investigation led by an independent special prosecutor who is completely free of ties to the Christie Administration and the Office of The Attorney General. We cannot have Bahamians needlessly dying because a select few privileged individuals consider it to be either politically expedient or in their own self-interest to do so.


Reality_Check 9 years ago

The willful suppression from the public of reports and information about the serious health consequences of this particular matter has no doubt greatly contributed to many Bahamians in the Marathon area being exposed to the toxic cancer-causing chemicals for a much longer period then they might otherwise have been. Many families in the Marathon area resort to drinking well water because Water & Sewerage often cannot provide the reliable source of potable water they require and they are unable, in these hard economic times, to afford buying bottled water. These are well known facts. What has been allowed to happened here to the health and well-being of so many Bahamians, and to their property values, is, well... simply unconscionable and beyond comprehension! Does our AG have a conscience? As for Christie, we have him promising new legislation and a costly new government department as if the matter is not already well addressed by existing laws and regulations. No Mr. Christie, we just need for you and your government to enforce our existing well established laws as they relate to this matter....please, no more rambling political excuses and shuffling delay... just do what you swore to uphold and do as PM for all Bahamians.


TalRussell 9 years ago

Question is, who is the one all Rubis stressed out? The Comrade Madame AG's apology to the residents of Marathon for the “stress and concern” caused by the spill - comes just 14 days after she it was reported she had suggested in her capacity as AG, that the release of the Black & Veatch report into the fuel spill - "had NOT been delayed?" Ask what AG is apologizing for?


Publius 9 years ago

Oh sure, that's what diseases, some terminal, are called... "stress".


SP 9 years ago

.............. Oh, what a tangled web we weave. When first we practise to deceive ! ................


Honestman 9 years ago

The AG has lost all credibility in the eyes of educated Bahamians.


ThisIsOurs 9 years ago

"Stress"? People are dead.


Islandgirl 9 years ago

She is trying to appear educated and diplomatic, and fails miserably. What an absolute, utter disgrace and embarrassment this woman is. The whole party too.


GrassRoot 9 years ago

I have to say the disrespect of some members of the Parliament and Government for life is beyond comprehension. It feels like we are a Nation split in two parts.


bahamajoe 9 years ago

Is this women serious? We NOW appoint someone? I would call this a disaster!


TalRussell 9 years ago

Was the Comrade Madame AG unwillingly hoodwinked into speaking at what had all the appearances of an obviously PLP politically organized and ran Town Hall campaign event last night? On another note, If reports are correct that many police cars were present last night, why so many? To protect the residents - from whom? What about bus loads people arriving early to occupy seating intended for Marathon residents? Lots unanswered questions what went on last night and who really organized it?


GrassRoot 9 years ago

Where are all our priests and preachers? Where are the morale and religious leaders in this country, that fill 50 pages of your yellow pages?


killemwitdakno 9 years ago

Is this really about the late report ?! I think it's about having not a peep on the evening news saying there was a spill, spread cannot be approximated but the station has closed down , residents immediately nearby are warned to boil or avoid water until further details. Simple as that.


killemwitdakno 9 years ago

and create the Department of Environmental Planning and Protection.

but we were going to drill before having a board like this? What could Dorsett's regulations possibly be based on?


Reality_Check 9 years ago

Has anyone noticed how much our AG resembles the Wicked Witch of the West in the Wizard of Oz? What an awful shameless unconscionable dreadful looking creature we have in our midsts solely by virtue of nepotism at its very worst!


duppyVAT 9 years ago

.. and witches are to burned at the stake ............ LMAO!!!!!!!


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