Secret to crime?

EDITOR, The Tribune.

In recent political history, surprisingly the chairpersons of the two largest parties, have had a lot to say for themselves. It is incredible actually it seems that they have to comment on the most sublimely idiotic issues, which then gravitates into a political issue.

Curfew? So we will establish a curfew in certain areas of Nassau, which are described as those where a high percentage of serious crime occurs. Surely this is a breach of the Constitution, discrimination, as why not Cable Beach or the Eastern Road or even Prospect Ridge?

Yes, the esteemed Commissioner is head of the police and as that takes the brunt off everything, good or bad, but let us stay real crime has been increasing for over eight years. A major part of those years was under the leadership of then Rt Hon Hubert Ingraham.

Many must have had this thought – although the white community is only 15 per cent of the whole, isn’t it interesting that it is rare if not very, very rare that you see, as the press love to say, a white young person or other “hauled off” to the courts? Why? They grew up with the same people – went to the same schools, not all white children go to private schools. Yes, a high percentage do, but they eat the same foods - drink the same water, play sports together, drink together and there is such an incredible difference in social behaviour. Is this the secret?

I suspect so, but the PLP or the FNM or most others will never admit that.



September 23, 2015.


sheeprunner12 8 years, 7 months ago

White colour crime and the history of crimes committed by white people are well documented ............. ever heard of English slave trade and slavery????


banker 8 years, 7 months ago

Right then. New curfew for the slavery crowd will be announced. Anyone caught selling slaves without a business licence, webshop licence or a slave trader identification card on the street corners after 9:00 PM will be prosecuted. Slave trading premises must be inspected by the immigration department to make sure that there are no Haitian slaves -- just Bahamians. All Chinese slave traders are exempt from the rules. Hotel slaves must get their 15% gratuities. VAT must be charged for all slaves bought, sold or traded. This lawlessness and crime with slave trading must be stopped.


Emac 8 years, 7 months ago

What about all them white jonesers who be stealing in the Shirlea area?


Sickened 8 years, 7 months ago

Treat them like ALL criminals should be treated. 20 lashes a day until they die. THAT is what criminals deserve.


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