V Alfred Gray calls Smith a ‘hypocrite’ after criticism

V Alfred Gray, Minister of Marine Resources.

V Alfred Gray, Minister of Marine Resources.


Tribune Staff Reporter


MICAL MP V Alfred Gray called former PLP MP George Smith a hypocrite for criticising him.

Mr Smith told The Nassau Guardian last week that Mr Gray is among several parliamentarians who should not be renominated by the party to contest the next general election.

Others who fall into that category, according to Mr Smith, include South Andros MP Picewell Forbes, North Andros MP Perry Gomez, Exuma MP Anthony Moss, Bamboo Town MP Renward Wells, Carmichael MP Danny Johnson and South Beach MP Cleola Hamilton.

“For reasons that Alfred Gray has so embarrassed the party on a number of occasions, I include him in that (list of people who should not be renominated),” Mr Smith is quoted as saying.

Reacting to his inclusion on this list yesterday, Mr Gray said: “The only thing I will say is this: he who lives in glass houses should not throw stones. I would not dignify his comment with a comment. It’s not worthy of a comment if it’s coming from George Smith. History speaks for itself when it comes to him.”

Mr Gray was possibly referencing the 1984 Commission of Inquiry, which alleged that Mr Smith accepted a gift from a convicted drug leader.

Mr Smith was subsequently asked to resign from Cabinet by former Prime Minster Sir Lynden Pindling.

He ran for the Exuma seat in 1992 and was re-elected, but was defeated in 1997.

In 2002, during his first term, Prime Minister Perry Christie appointed Mr Smith as chairman of the Hotel Corporation, saying that he had not contravened his “code of ethics.”

Meanwhile Mr Gray has faced questions about the propriety of some of his actions.

Earlier this year, it was alleged that he interfered in a court case after Mayaguana Administrator Zephaniah Newbold released 19-year-old Jaquan Charlton shortly after convicting and sentencing him to a three-month prison term.

Mr Gray has denied that he pressured Mr Newbold to release the teen, who is one of his constituents, and stressed that he only informed the administrator that Mr Charlton could be released on bail as an appeal had reportedly been filed. However, the teen was released outright, not on bail, and Administrator Newbold said that he felt threatened by Mr Gray.

Mr Gray subsequently asked Mr Christie to relieve him of his post as minister of local government, pending a police investigation into the allegations.

After the police investigated the claims, the Office of the Attorney General decided not to pursue charges against anyone in the matter.

Mr Gray remains minister of agriculture and marine resources.


ThisIsOurs 8 years, 8 months ago

Weird, V Alfred Grey bears a remarkable resemblance to the Charlton fella...the young man who was released after Grey made TWO courtesy calls to the magistrate in Mayaguana ...weird


TruePeople 8 years, 8 months ago

My mummie sey it does take one to know one. I guess she ein lie


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