Dishonesty at Road Traffic

EDITOR, The Tribune.

ON Thursday, December 15, 2016, I took my just delivered vehicle a 2006 Mazda Demio to the Road Traffic  Depot on West Bay street (Fort Charlotte) to be inspected and licensed.

I was extremely pleased at the service of the Checkers, who processed me in record time, believe me I was impressed. My younger brother accompanied me to the cashier to make the payment to complete the transaction. After giving the cashier the documents she stated: “That will be $155.” One hundred and fifty five dollars. My brother said they must be doing you straight through to 2018. My birthday is February 12, so we are looking at a three month period. I gave her exact change, a hundred, a fifty and a five. She as usual at these depots never give receipts (at least I never got one). The disc had 37.50+40 then below 75.50.  I assumed it meant a total of $155, but fully intended to go to Carmichael and check what this $155 covered. What I found out was that 37.50 plus 40 equals $77.50 total.

The very next day, Friday, December 15, I went back to the same cashier, who denied telling me 155, instead she said she added the inspection fee of $35 or $112.50. I told her I had two witnesses who heard her and saw me pay $155. She knew she had an out as I was never given a receipt.

Firstly, she clipped me out of $42.50 plus in February I will have to pay another inspection fee of $35, plus whatever it costs for the new plates or registration.

I would write the Director of Road Traffic asking that everybody gets a receipt, as is their right; but I have  written this fellow a few times before, and have not had the courtesy of an acknowledgment.

Therein lies a loophole for criminal activity which cannot be traced  even by Dick Tracy.



December 18, 2016.


ohdrap4 7 years, 9 months ago

you have to settle the issue before you pay, otherwise you have no recourse.

you should have turned back to someone else to tell the cashier she was wrong.

also you could have embarassed her by talking loud in front of the other customers , before paying of course.

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