Power outage causes delays at Road Traffic Department


SCORES of disgruntled customers criticised the Road Traffic Department’s automated cashier system process on Friday after processing times were delayed for nearly five hours due to a power outage.

The last day of the month is known as the department's busiest time, with motorists having to renew their drivers licences, registration renewal and inspection of their vehicles.

Unfortunately, RTD customers were forced to wait over three hours just to pay the cashier for their service.

The Tribune canvassed queued motorists, who spoke on the condition of anonymity and complained about the long lines for their cars to be inspected, and the longer line to pay for their new license or vehicle disc.

“This is ridiculous” said one woman. “People have things to do. They tell us the electricity was off and we must go to the Carmichael Road branch…just to come back here to pick up your licence because that branch can't print your licence.”

Another woman said: “I been here all day waiting to be served and the security attitude was disgusting. They try tell us go to Carmichael Road after waiting almost two hours people have things to do… I had to call into work now when payday come my pay will be a day short.”

One angry man said: “If I leave and get stop by the (police) I can’t tell the police road traffic light was off. BPL and road traffic need to get it together. An entire day wasted.”

“They have a generator but I was told it was used to keep the place cool,” said another lady. “What kind of mess is that? Why have a generator that can't power up the machines?”

“Today was a big mess. Something has to be done so in the future it’s a smoother process,” said another man.

Another angry woman said: “The security guard's attitude is deplorable. She don't know how to talk to people in a respectable manner. But, I'm so relieved to be served after waiting almost five hours.”

The Tribune attempted to contact Bahamas Power and Light officials for an explanation for the black-out, but efforts were unsuccessful.


Gotoutintime 5 years, 5 months ago

Maybe it might help if you renewed your license earlier in the month??


ohdrap4 5 years, 5 months ago

they have to wait till payday, to short the bpl money to pay for license and registration.


TheMadHatter 5 years, 5 months ago

I always begin the process on the 1st of the month it is due. It takes 45 days to renew a license, so lucky for me i only need to walk and catch bus for the 15 days following the end of the month. I thank God for life.


Schemer18 5 years, 5 months ago

It is a fact the last day of the month is a chaos for anything in the Bahamas, so go ask them government workers who crowd up the banks every month end.


ohdrap4 5 years, 5 months ago

and the foodstores. however there is no money to shop for food after christmas until january's end. you have to stock up macaroni and cheese which is on sale now 4 packages for 5 dollars.


sheeprunner12 5 years, 5 months ago

Still flashing our D/L paper receipt in Long Island ........... smt


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