No running water in Cat Island

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Man can live without food for three to five days but will die without water for one day.

I am a native of the lovely Island of Cat Island, which is known for its rich history and culture. Growing up on that island was rather challenging as a child, nevertheless, I remained there until age 18 then left to seek employment.

I have had the opportunity to observe Cat Island, and its development over the years. We moved from dirt roads to paved roads, from candles and lanterns to electric light, from outside toilets to inside restrooms. Indeed we have come a long way. However, there is much more to be done.

One essential thing that is lacking on that island is running water. If you have ever visited Cat Island, you may have observed that the majority of families rely on the rain in order to survive.

Water systems are set up in such a way that each house has a water drainage on the roof, to direct the rain into a holding well. That rainwater is channelled through an electric pump allowing Cat Islanders to obtain water via faucets in the house.

There are many disadvantages with this operation:

  1. Water must be used sparingly

  2. The absence of rain results in the shortage of water

  3. No electricity means no water

  4. When there is a shortage of water, persons must resort to purchasing water

You may recall that earlier last year, The Bahamas was faced with a situation where rainfall was below normal.

In essence, we had drought. On Cat Island alone, there was no rain for almost three months. Do you know what that means? Our brothers and sisters on that island were in great misery. Many days they prayed for rain, but to no avail.

Dear readers, we call ourselves a developing nation - so tell me, why is it that such an important basic need of humankind has yet to be provided on that island? Don’t you think that Cat Islanders would wish to water their lawn without thinking about wastage or water shortage? Don’t you think they have cars to wash, clothes to wash and children to bathe? If you position yourself on that island for just an hour to see what they are experiencing, I am certain you would agree with my opening statement that we cannot live without water for a day.

I entreat with those concerned to investigate this matter with the view to undertaking steps to meet this essential need of Cat Islanders.

– A Native of Cat Island.



February 15, 2016.


sheeprunner12 8 years, 3 months ago

Bishop ............ why are you running to the Tribune???????? Your MP is the DPM who has represented HIS beloved island for twenty years ......... and he is the Minister of Public Works (responsible for water and sewerage)


OMG 8 years, 3 months ago

Try Central Eleuthera with the "so called" improvement using reverse osmosis. Low pressure and no water for the last three days. 20 years ago it was more reliable. Usual case just like the new clinics, all show but no thought into stocking spare parts or regular maintenance.


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