TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE: Weightless travel


Over the past few days I’ve been in Germany and Italy, surrounded by bread, cheese, meats, beer, wine, pizza, pasta and every type of food variety imaginable. Travelling brings many new food and drink experiences. So often though the indulgences of a vacation or new place can set you back months of dedication to your health or physique. On my travels this month I am motivated to do my best to stay on track because I finally lost those stubborn 15 pounds after a sincerely regimented four months and I have personally experienced how easy it is to gain weight and how difficult it is to take off.

Here’s my strategy to honour the work I’ve done to get fit while having the vacation mentality and wanting every fat-forming, hangover-causing, bloating food and drink:

Walk and take the stairs

We know that staying active is the best way to shed extra calories. This is my number one solution for maintaining healthy weight while I travel. Walk the steps instead of taking the escalator. If where you are is a walking friendly city then walk to your destinations rather than driving. Walking and climbing steps are great movements to pump the lymphatic system which is responsible for clearing toxins from the body. Toxins are stored by fat. Less toxins equals less fat.

Eat whatever you want but eat less

That’s right. Eat it all. But remember, there’s no famine. You can eat again later, so stop eating before you’re full. One of my favourite techniques for preventing over-eating is to have the kitchen only serve me a half portion of food. Sometimes they will only charge half price, and if not, then they pack the other half.

Another option is to share meals. You probably don’t need all the food or calories in that one sitting.

Don’t forget that the human body thrives on vegetables and dark leafy greens, so commit yourself to feeding your body well and include a side dish of veg or salad at each meal.


Sugar calories ought to be restricted as much as possible. Beverages sneak them into us going unnoticed much of the time. The calorie count for a glass of red wine is approximately 450 calories.

Many juices and sodas are 150 calories per serving. And most of this comes from the sugar content. If you start noticing everything you eat and drink and the quantity you’re taking in, you’d probably be quite surprised that your consuming more calories than you need.

The main function of the calorie is to create energy for the body to function, so the energy that doesn’t get used is stored as fat.

This is the reason I put point number one, “Walk and take the stairs”, as the first strategy. Even if you over indulge, if you’re moving as much as possible you force the body to utilise the energy that it would otherwise store and prevent the button on your favourite pants not to close when you get back home. Let water be your first choice drink to stay hydrated and keep the digestive system balanced.

• This column shares preventative health tips and life transformation tools aiming to enlighten the reader to living their full potential with passion and purpose.

The content is not intended to diagnose or treat any diseases. It is intended to be provided for informational, educational, and self-empowerment purposes only.

Please consult with your wellness team, and then make your own well informed decisions based upon what is best for your unique genetics, culture, conditions and stage of life.

Christine Carey is a certified holistic health and life coach, blogger (www.christine-carey), and co-owner of Liquid Nutrition (www.liquidnutrition.com).


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