The American Air Ambulance Co

EDITOR, The Tribune.

YOUR letter writer P Simms was absolutely correct and on the ball. We need to know more about that American Air Ambulance Co - are they the preferred provider to NHI?

Who is the local connection? Has the business opportunity valued at $1million a year gone to tender or is it going very soon? Just wonder who are their local Attorneys - surely not Chambers with the initials - A&A?

The public is tired of this practice - brazen and so open and clearly evident why the donation of computers probably was made and look where?

Centerville is represented by none other than the Rt Hon Perry Christie.....now not suggesting anything or implying, but isn’t it sort of curious? It is well known the Centerville MP has a questionable record of doing things for his Constituents and always ramps up a few months prior to election day and swings the vote.

Drive through Centerville and vividly the environment has worsened since 2012 has not improved since 1967!

Editor, that US-based Air Ambulance Service need not apply for that designation with NHI don’t Bahamian’s come first?

There is already a Bahamian owned Air Ambulance Service why not encourage some other Bahamians to get into the business or is foreign best in Centerville?

This election is going to be all about - BAHAMIAN and the thousands of suffering people and God this is our last chance for HOPE!



September 11, 2016.


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