College in move to monitor air quality

Members of the Aquinas Development Committee listen intently to a presentation by Dr Danny Davis entitled ‘Monitoring of Particulate Air Quality’.

Members of the Aquinas Development Committee listen intently to a presentation by Dr Danny Davis entitled ‘Monitoring of Particulate Air Quality’.

AS THE authorities continue to work to address the air quality issues associated with the New Providence landfill, Aquinas College is taking the lead in implementing a school air monitoring programme to better protect its students, teachers, administrators, staff and parents.

After media reports raised concerns about air quality, particularly for people who live, work and play close to the landfill, the Aquinas College Development Committee took the proactive step in an effort to reduce the exposure of the school community to pollution by investing in a Sensidyne Nephelometer and a Dylos Air Quality Monitor.

The equipment will be used to measure levels of toxic air pollution around the college in Gladstone Road.

Dr Danny Davis, Assistant Professor, School of Chemistry, Environmental and Life Sciences/Director, Institutional Strengthening at the College of The Bahamas gave a presentation to the Aquinas College Development Committee which addressed the process for monitoring particulate air quality and the application of air quality monitoring instruments. Dr Davis, who is also an Aquinas alumni (Class of 1981) and an Aquinas parent, said that the main objective of the air monitoring initiative is to collect air quality data and use the data to make informed decisions, such as under what conditions should students with asthma limit outdoor activities or at what point should school be closed.

“By using these instruments and analysing the data, we are trying to quantify what we have all been subjectively trying to say,” Dr Davis said.

According to the College, the preliminary stage of the Aquinas Air Quality Initiative involves the setting up of the equipment and the establishment of baseline data. Dr Davis said air pollution is a global problem, but there has to be a process in place which guides how the problem is addressed and practical solutions to reduce personal exposure to pollution. He explained that presently not much is known about the air quality, simply that on days when the landfill is burning it’s not good. The effects of the fire are felt but there is no basis for the levels of toxic air pollution or the extent of the issues.

The Aquinas College Air Quality Initiative is a testament to how the support and involvement of all stakeholders (parents, alumni and teachers) contributes to the well being of Catholic Schools and the Catholic Board of Education (CBE). The school will run the air monitoring program and the entire school community will participate in the execution of the programme. Dr Davis will train administrators and teachers to read and monitor the data and maintain the instruments.

“This initiative is important because it is a concrete demonstration of the care and concern that the CBE and the Administration of Aquinas College have for the wellbeing of the students in our schools”, said Most Reverend Patrick Christopher Pinder, Archbishop of Nassau. “The engagement of students in this initiative will enhance their classroom experience with a practical component. The awareness of respecting the environment, especially the air we have to breathe will also be a spinoff.

“I am hoping that the programme will also advance social awareness of the pollution of the air by fire from the dump (landfill) and the occasional bush fires. Increased awareness may lead to the establishment of an air quality index for the country or at least for New Providence. This would be a wonderful contribution of this AC initiative to the life of the Bahamian community as a whole.”


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