Visitor in hospital after shark attack

Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding a shark attack that left an American visitor detained in hospital on Friday.

According to reports, shortly before noon, the woman was snorkelling in waters near Athol Island, when she was attacked by the shark. She was transported to shore and taken to hospital where she is detained in serious condition.

Investigations are ongoing.


banker 6 years, 11 months ago

That's a known shark place, just like West End off Grand Bahama. The sharks patrol the shallows between the north east end of PI and through the shallows between Athol and PI (which you have to navigate to get to Rose Island). The biggest shark that I have ever seen around Nassau and PI (and this is rife with irony) was snorkeling near Craig Flowers house off the 6th hole of the Ocean Club golf course.


MassExodus 6 years, 11 months ago

Just because it is a "known shark place" doesn't mean much. Most of the Bahamas is full of sharks. The real questions would be what were the circumstances? Were people spearing or fishing of some sort? What type of shark and what was the size. We are now in summer and you can expect sharks to get more aggressive due to the rising water temperature, and the fact that sharks mate this time of year. Historically July/August are the worst months. My guess if 'unprovoked' it was likely a small/medium size bull.


truetruebahamian 6 years, 11 months ago

why does that crook have a place on Hog Island?


banker 6 years, 11 months ago

You should see the house. One of the largest ones on Ocean Club Estates. He has the lawn furniture on the pool facing the golf course, and whenever I play golf with clients, there is always a bevy of nubile young women hanging out in bikinis around the place. It is where he entertains his harem, and when he doesn't want them around anymore, the guard at the gate on PI Drive doesn't let them in.


sheeprunner12 6 years, 11 months ago

The Bahamas will soon be overrun with sea sharks ........ like how we are, by land sharks


truetruebahamian 6 years, 11 months ago

you mean plp sharks or chippie sharks?


licks2 6 years, 11 months ago

I talked with two local boat captains who informed me that persons talk tourists out in those shark infested areas. . .chum the water to attract the sharks then feed them and other fish from their hands! One of the captains believed that the female tourist just got to close to an aggressive bull shark. . . it took off her right arm. . .both said that you must always watch any shark who comes too close to you. . .you must know the sign. . .when to get out of the water when the sharks shows a little too much interests in you. . .she did not know that. . .


Islandboy242242 6 years, 11 months ago

Crazy that they're trying that around the beaches etc. I heard plenty of rumors online about the severity of the attack, still doesn't sound like anyone knows for sure. Heard hand off, arm off, and arm just scratched with the sandpaper skin of the shark.


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