Vendor defensive at $8m questions

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis.

Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis.


Tribune Staff Reporter


JOHNATHAN Ash, who received more than $8m for hurricane related clean-up exercises in New Providence according to Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis, was irate when asked about matters related to those revelations yesterday.

Asked about efforts across social media to tie him to Shane Gibson, who led the Christie administration’s restoration efforts after Hurricane Matthew, Mr Ash told The Tribune: “Boss man, get off my phone talking (expletive). I don’t know Shane Gibson. You crazy?”

He then abruptly disconnected the call.

When contacted by this newspaper earlier, he said he had nothing to say about the matter.

“Only when you wrong you defend yourself,” Mr Ash told The Tribune. “When you guilty is when you talk.”

Nonetheless, the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) is expected to launch a fierce defence of Mr Ash and the payments made to him during a press conference in the Minority Room in the House of Assembly today.

Party representatives will say that during cleanup work, Mr Ash incurred expenses owed to subcontractors, employees and rental equipment companies which were paid out of the money given to him, sources said yesterday.

They will say there was no requirement that some of his companies be registered with the Registrar General to conduct business; after all, sources said, he had a business licence.

For his part, Mr Gibson, former Labour and National Insurance minister, said contracts related to hurricane restoration efforts were issued by the Ministry of Works, not him.

Works Minister Desmond Bannister appeared to contradict this, however, telling The Tribune that to his understanding the process was managed through Mr Gibson.

Ultimately, no one seemed willing or capable of giving a definite answer on how Mr Ash came to receive multiple contracts or who authorised the payments to him.

The Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Works Colin Higgs did not take The Tribune’s call about the matter.

Through his secretary, he referred this newspaper to the director of the Department of Public Works.

The director, however, did not return The Tribune’s calls before press time.

A high-ranking official in the Office of the Prime Minister also declined to comment.

Dr Minnis said Tuesday that Mr Ash’s request for payments were submitted through the Ministry of Works and the National Recovery and Reconstruction Unit (NRRU), the latter of which was established by the Office of the Prime Minister after Hurricane Joaquin in 2015.

During his contribution to the budget debate, Dr Minnis said after Hurricane Matthew, Mr Ash received 46 payments totaling about $7 million for the cleanup exercises he was engaged to perform.

Two of Mr Ash’s companies, Heavy Duty Company and Earth Movers Incorporation Company, were not registered with the Registrar General; his other company, Heavy Truck Lines Services Limited, was only registered in February 2017, Dr Minnis said.

Dr Minnis said given the slow pace at which the government typically pays people it owes money, Bahamians would be surprised by the ease and quickness with which Mr Ash received his funds.

“Now to give one example, on the 18th of January 2017, Ash Trucking got a cheque for a quarter million dollars,” he said. “On the 20th, two days later, he got a cheque for $206,400. Then he came back that afternoon and got another cheque for $220,912. But that wasn’t enough, he came back on the 20th that afternoon and got another cheque for $225,750…”

As Dr Minnis discussed the matter in Parliament Wednesday, Opposition Leader Philip “Brave” Davis questioned if he was alleging that Bahamians didn’t receive value for money through the work Mr Ash did.

“I hear him talking about payments being made,” the former minister of works said. “I wonder whether the allegation is value wasn’t being received for the works. It’s one thing to expose these payments but another to say there is some impropriety attached to it.”

Dr Minnis responded: “The Bahamian people gon’ decide whether it’s value for money.”

Overall, Dr Minnis said Mr Ash received $8,113,908.24.

He also revealed that in at least two separate instances, Mr Ash received multiple cheques in one day. He also received $151,000 on May 9, just one day before the general election.


Well_mudda_take_sic 6 years, 11 months ago

“Only when you wrong you defend yourself,” Mr Ash told The Tribune. “When you guilty is when you talk.”

I am certain Mr Ash's lawyer will have by now advised him to keep his "guilty" mouth shut.

As for Shane Gibson, a full investigation is needed to find out how this corrupt idiot acquired such great wealth while serving as a cabinet minister in the last government. Most people would be very surprised to learn the name of the super wealthy gated community in which Shameless Shane now lives, in a most stately opulent home.


ThisIsOurs 6 years, 11 months ago

It's weird how he can't buy a good name though....


OldFort2012 6 years, 11 months ago

Well, let us see. Ask him to account for every employee, get every pay slip. Get every bill he incurred. Get him to detail the work he did with evidentiary proof. Get every employee to sign an affidavit confirming it, under penalty of perjury and jail time. Do a full forensic audit. If he is telling the truth, apologize to him. If not, seize all his goods and property until you recover every penny of difference and shove him in jail for 20 years. Simple. Not a lot to think about, Mr. Minnis. If you are serious, that is what you will do. Else you are just another politician full of it. Up to you, Mr. Minnis. You the PM now. You decide. No one else.


Maynergy 6 years, 11 months ago

Read the classic essays on fate and the chilling in depth dissection of the crime blitz invading the Bahamas (1975 - 2016). Centuries ago they (i.e.) the Caribs, The Loyalists from the Carolinas, Andrew Jackson, George Washington and even the Arawak Indians marked the island of New Providence, Bahamas. No one knows why for sure ... until now. P. Carl Gibson believing that government is a monopoly of force to protect and enforce rights for all the people even while it had become fashionable to advance the interest of oneself instead of the country, many patriots known in the islands of the Bahamas embraced the future together with strength and the belief that the greater good of the country would prevail for all the children of the July 10th independence revolution. Behind Grey Curtains is a clear view of where the country should be headed for growth and prosperity for all. Available on Amazon.com, Kindle, Barnes & Nobles, iTunes and Google play TODAY!


birdiestrachan 6 years, 11 months ago

The FNM and doc are at their best right now calling people thieves, which they will have to prove. They have no idea as to how to move the Bahamas forward, they have to work with visionary ideas left in place by the PLP. BAMSI , University of the Bahamas and Urban Renewal. Troy is waiting for them to do something for Freeport... He works close to the beach he should go there and watch for the FNM ship to come in.


Naughtydread 6 years, 11 months ago

It's called creating a precedent Birdie, your PLP government did this in regards to pillaging and raping the tax payers dollar, now the PM will create a precedent in locking up all of these crooked bastards. The Bahamian people deserve justice for the straight up malfeasance and looting of these corrupt PLP officials. And if you think Bamsi and Urban Renewal are forward thinking ideas you truly are a dumbass.


MassExodus 6 years, 11 months ago

Calling Birdie a dumbass is an understatement.


realfreethinker 6 years, 11 months ago

birdie birdie can you just shut your fooking pie hole? Just go away,you are not making it easy for right thinking Bahamians to digest the criminal acts of your masters.


DDK 6 years, 11 months ago

I must say, Mr./Ms. Strachan, your command of the English language has certainly improved since the General Election. Your faith in the crooked ousted party is truly amazing, however misplaced.


Alex_Charles 6 years, 11 months ago

Birdie stop being a cuck for the PLP. This isn't about bloody party, this is about the country. IF they are guilty to jail with them and assets should be ceased. IDGAF if my own mother somehow got caught up. JAIL


sealice 6 years, 11 months ago

Of course he's being defensive = it's usually the first reaction of GUILTY CROOKED CORNHOLES!!!


jackbnimble 6 years, 11 months ago

“Only when you wrong you defend yourself....When you guilty is when you talk.”

Well darn! "Minky" Issacs must be guilty as hell!


John 6 years, 11 months ago

The fact of the matter is it is well and good to reveal these acts of tief'in. But government must make serious efforts to recoup some of the people's money that was stolen. especially from people like Shane Gibson and his cohorts. this man is too bold and brazen with what he has did to the Bahamian people's money. And for his second term in office tiefin people's tings. Make an example of him..for starters...times serious


John 6 years, 11 months ago

What about the man who threatened to 'punch the prime minister in his mouth" for talking foolishness. Hopefully the police has arrested him and detained him if only to monitor his mental state and to caution him about his apparent threat to a sitting prime minister while doing the work of the people?


BahamaPundit 6 years, 11 months ago

What I realize more and more each day with every revelation of impropriety is that the PLP thought they owned the Bahamas. They believed the VAT and public treasury belonged to them. What made them think this? How did people born here just like you and I become so entitled? I have never thought I owned this country. Why did they? Just wondering how these ghetto goblins became so misguided in their ownership beliefs.


jackbnimble 6 years, 10 months ago

The short answer is that this is what happens when you leave people in the chair too long. They get to know the system and then they delude themselves into thinking that they own the place. The American system is perfect. Too terms and azz out! Unfortunately we've tied ourselves into a system that allows our politicians to serve well past their expiration date. Every Prime Minister for the last 40 years had to be blown out of chair.

I trust this one is different.


Baha10 6 years, 11 months ago

The answer BahamaPundit is simple, you are looking at "oppressed" people who the Bay Street Boys fired for "tifing", were not always selected by their majority rule PM post Independence for "kick backs", the Colombian Drug Lords declined their "safekeeping" services, the Foreign Investor said no to them when offering "connections", the Tourists refused to be "hustled" by them, leaving only the Haitians, who would not even weed their yards due to "non-payment", so these "most oppressed" people grew up longing for their turn to pillage with utter unapologetic abandonment!


OMG 6 years, 11 months ago

Was it put out to bid _____NO. How was he paid so quickly when retired teachers and other employees often wait months for gratuity or promotion raises. Of course this was crooked and the whole country included deluded PLP supporters are reaping the fallout.


ashley14 6 years, 11 months ago

Somebody's hand was caught with their hand in the cookie jar! The guilty scream the loudest. You know the best way to keep control is to keep the people down. Unemployed, no money, your hands are tied. Then your stuck and they can do what they want to do.


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