Bahamian hypocrisy

EDITOR, The Tribune.

THE amount of outright hypocrisy and double standards that exists in this country we call the Commonwealth of The Bahamas is truly astonishing.

By now, you’ve probably heard of an allegedly gay pastor who was recently ordained in a local church. The event was viewed by many Bahamians through social media, and in typical fashion, an overwhelming majority expressed shock, outrage, and disgust over the event, including an extremely aggravated young woman who interrupted the ceremony, loudly condemning both the pastor in question as well as the entire church, and had to be physically escorted out of the building by church staff.

It’s no secret that Bahamians hate, loathe, despise, and absolutely revile homosexuals. You hear it from the mouths of babes, with young school children screaming the age old phrase, “you like man!” at each other. You hear it in the dancehall reggae songs played ad nauseam in nightclubs and on jitneys, with the singers calling for “batty bwoys” and “chee chee men” - to be violently killed, with Bahamian listeners gleefully singing along.

A few years ago, our homophobia was put on full display for the whole world to see when a LGBTQ cruise ship, hosted and sponsored by well known lesbian celebrity, Rosie O’Donnell, attempted to visit our country. The Bahamian populace was having none of it, and vehemently protested.

It was quite a spectacle, with hundreds of demonstrators waving placards with statements reading “IF YOU GAY, STAY AWAY!!”, “GAYS NOT WELCOME!!”, and “EVEN ANIMALS GET MORE SENSE!!” And of course, our local pastors and prominent religious leaders were leading the fray, standing on the backs of pickup trucks and using megaphones to hurl holy condemnation at the “Sodomites”.

We Bahamians are so focused on what the “broke wristed” amongst us are doing, so worried about “sissies” infiltrating our world, that we either fail to acknowledge, or choose to ignore the many, many acts of immorality and sexual depravity committed by “straight” people.

Where’s the outrage over the staggering cases of rape and abuse against women and children?

Where’s the outrage over reports of female tourists being attacked and sexually assaulted on our beaches?

Everyone’s “freaking out” over a gay pastor being ordained, where’s the outrage over a certain bishop, a convicted sex offender, who served only two years of a three year sentence of statutory rape of an under age girl (a slap on the wrist), being commissioned as senior pastor of a newly formed church, an event that was attended by the very same pastors who preach “hellfire and brimstone” against gays?

Apparently, being LGBTQ is a far, far worse sin than being a child rapist and sex offender. Or maybe it’s because the victim was female. We all know how most of the pastors, as well as a majority of their followers, feel about marital rape.

God may hate gays, but, He also hates hypocrites and false prophets.



June 13, 2018.


Dawes 5 years, 11 months ago

Don't worry due to hypocrisy like the ones mentioned the churches here are losing followers all the time. The younger generation do not take these pastors words as gospel and laugh about many things they say. And before anyone gets up in arms over this i am not saying they are not religious, they have just realised that a large number of these so called pastors are not good for Christianity .


joeblow 5 years, 11 months ago

I always say hypocrisy is a choice. While it is true that many young people ignore the sound principles of Christianity, they do not realize that they are throwing out the baby with the bathwater. This is why we have the high rates of HIV, single parent homes, perverted sexual relationships and poverty of mind that we do in this country. The principles of Christianity give sound moral guidance. The social chaos we all complain about is the result of our moral failure as a people BECAUSE we CHOOSE not to live 1/10th of those principles. If we did our society would turn around in no time!


joeblow 5 years, 11 months ago

Read it to the end and it is full of fallacies to support the LGBT narrative.

Even without the bible, common sense dictates that the species cannot be preserved through same sex relationships or bestiality. The first (primary) function of biblical sex is procreation, the immediate benefit is pleasure, but do not be deceived the purpose of sex is not just pleasure! It is misused and abused PURELY for the pleasurable component and people will say anything to preserve that 'benefit' in the context of their choice! .


Well_mudda_take_sic 5 years, 11 months ago

There must be a reason why In the beginning God created Adam and Eve rather than Fwreddy Boy and Fwreddy Boy's same-sex delight. Who knows the reason?


DWW 5 years, 11 months ago

You call it fallacy, maybe others call it critical thinking. Preserve the species? you do realize that in a century or so humans may be the only species on this planet. us and cockroaches. 7.6 billion people and more everyday. I don't think we need to worry about the species going extinct. I might suggest reading a book or travelling to somewhere like India or china where children are run over no one bats an eye. there are so many more important issues in the world to deal with than a silly little argument about the 3% of the population.


It is said that those persons who are most outspoken against homosexuality are those who have the most suppressed tendencies.



DWW 5 years, 11 months ago

Getting panties in a bunch over 3% of the people in the world. must be closet.


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