Mitchell blasts Lloyd for tone over firings

PLP Chairman Fred Mitchell.

PLP Chairman Fred Mitchell.


Tribune Chief Reporter


PROGRESSIVE Liberal Party Chairman Fred Mitchell yesterday condemned the tone struck by Minister of Education Jeffrey Lloyd in his comments on the firings of dozens of contract workers, calling the minister compassionless and shameful.

Mr Mitchell, a senator, took issue with Mr Lloyd’s use of the word “happy” as he told reporters outside Cabinet on Tuesday that his ministry had begun its disciplinary process for non-performing workers and foreshadowed more firings were on the horizon.

The former Fox Hill MP said the minister’s comments evidenced his party’s suspicions that Mr Lloyd had taken leave of “common sense and decency,” further claiming Mr Lloyd has done nothing but talk since taking up office.

“How could the minister of education say that he is happy to have dismissed people from the Ministry of Education?” Mr Mitchell asked in a press statement.

“Mr Lloyd has exceeded the callousness of the prime minister, the minister of tourism and the minister of health. Just when we thought that callousness had reached its heights, when corned beef was attacked by the minister of health, along comes the minister of education boasting about firing people.

“At the same time, however, he was able to effect tens of thousands of dollars in renovating his ministerial suite.”

Last November, Mr Lloyd confirmed to The Tribune he had remodelled his office but it is unclear how much was spent in this regard.

“I have remodelled my office,” Mr Lloyd said last year. “So there’s (no rumour) about it, I have rearranged my office. I have taken up the dirty carpet that was here and I have changed it and put in plants, and (made) my office the place that I want to be since I spend so many hours a day here. There’s no rumour that’s a fact.”

On Tuesday, it was revealed the Ministry of Education terminated the contracts of a “couple dozen” contract workers who “violated their employment agreement,” according to Mr Lloyd, who did not reveal an exact number.

“Some weeks ago I informed you that we identified 200 plus individuals who have in a sense violated their employment agreement and arrangement with the Ministry of Education,” the South Beach MP said. “I indicated to you that those persons were either disciplined or terminated and I am happy to report that the disciplining process is underway and there have been some terminations and there will be more and there will be further disciplining of those who we think warrant it.”

The action came weeks after he revealed some 200 employees have exhibited delinquent behaviour, not going to work or failing to perform when they do go. Some people, he said, have missed work for 40, 50, 70 and 100 consecutive days, all while receiving pay.

Mr Lloyd has previously stated plans to address the problem of delinquent workers regardless of the criticism he may receive for firing people.

However, Mr Mitchell maintained yesterday the matter would not have been used as a “boasting point” by a PLP administration.

His statement continued: “The public service is warned now that no one is safe. The rule of law means nothing to this government. Poor people are treated like dirt. This would not have been a boasting point of the previous minister of education under the PLP.

“The public service dealt with disciplinary issues and separations as a matter of routine. What the PLP was concerned about was educating our people, making sure that they had work and were in work.

“All this crew can talk about is firing people,” it added. “The minister’s actions are lousy and a natural disgrace.”


HonestTruth 6 years ago

I blame the Tribune and the Guardian for their lack of effort with reporting. They look for people who the Bahamian people have little interest in hearing from for comments (eg fred Mitchell, Bradley Roberts, Sam Dumbcombe and did I mention Fred Mitchell).

The lack of quality journalist in this country is a damn shame


realfreethinker 6 years ago



One 6 years ago

This is ridiculous. We need to move together as one for the Bahamas. So much wasted effort to defame each other. Campaigning should be left for election time otherwise work together regardless of political affiliation to improve our country. What was said isn't politically correct but don't get distracted from the issue. Collecting a wage for a job you aren't doing is harmful to the country.


UserOne 6 years ago

Tribune, you should be able to do better than continue to quote Fred Mitchell. No one is interested in what he has to say as it has no substance. Do some real investigative journalism or hire people than are able to.


CatIslandBoy 6 years ago

I have concluded that the quality of journalism has sunk to an all-time low. It seems as though we have a bunch of lazy reporters/journalists, including the writer of this article who is billed as the Tribune's Chief Reporter. Where is the quality of investigative writing? Who really cares what Fred Mitchell says, and why is that newsworthy? As long as the PLP allow Fred Mitchell and Bradley Roberts to be their "go-to" persons for news, they will never see the seats of government again.


sheeprunner12 6 years ago

I agree with CatislandBoy ......... Ava Turnquest needs to go and do an investigative story on the mess inside the Ministry of Education ...... why are these children are not able to read, pass BJC and graduate ..... But quoting Fweddy about Lloyd is not newsworthy ...... a "D" average story


rawbahamian 6 years ago

It is Fred Mirchell's mouth that caused him to lose his 'secure' FoxHill seat because of the non stop effluence spewing from his lips. The FORMER MINISTER OF FLYING needs to shut up and sit small somewhere and scrape up some dignity and see the realization of the fact that HE WILL NEVER BE THE PRIME MINISTER of The Bahamas !!!


Porcupine 6 years ago

Fred Mitchell is a disgrace to The Bahamas. A disgrace.


jackbnimble 6 years ago

i cant believe I'm actually admitting I like anything about FM but in this case he is right. The tone LLoyd used could have been better. Yeah we get he’s the new sheriff in town with the perfect work ethic and that he's finally in a position to drain the swamp, but he doesn’t have to be so nasty about it.

Slackness in the public service is the cultural norm. One term in office won’t change it and firing half of the public service won't make it go away.

We need to be a little more sensitive about these things. After all you are messing with people's livelihoods in a downturned economy and its not like you’re creating other opportunites to give these persons another chance.

In a few short years they will be knocking on the doors of most of these people and their family members and friends asking for a second chance when they clearly did think about that before firing them.


stillwaters 6 years ago

No........this is not the Fred who told a woman the other day that 'ya ma is a sissy' after she called him a sissy. I wish this man and Brave Davis would walk away...........and stay away!!!


Socrates 6 years ago

again the english language is the problem.. Lloyd is not saying he is happy to dismiss people, he meant he is happy that the Ministry is doing its job to remove dead weight. there is a difference, but given the D- average educational achievement of so many bahamians of which he as Minister of Ed should be particularly aware, he should be careful when he speaks to the media to do so at Grade 1 language level so there is no misunderstanding.


OMG 6 years ago

My God, Fred it was your bunch of incompetent, misguided, corrupt individuals who hired anything that could walk and breathe just to get votes. Try the 12 month workers, who in at least one clinic do absolutely nothing but play on their phones, have disgusting attitudes, come late and leave early and are interested in only one thing-their pay check. And this is just one ministry. Go away Fred you are toxic and financially comfortable I am sure so why do you care about cleaning house.


licks2 6 years ago

I do believe if the "political hires". . .the last minister hired some 750+ out of his constituency in order to win the election. . .way too many for the country to carry in the first place. It is hard...but if the new hires don't want to come to work or when they come do not want to work. . .the government is left with none to little choice in keeping them. However, I too was a "little put-off" by the tone and vitriol in the speech! But must we kill him for the manner in which he spoke? Perhaps a little bit is deserved. . .but Mr. Mitchell keeps reminding us why we don't ever, never want to see the PLP in government again. . .disgusting peoples. . . .base men and woman!! Not their supporters mind you. . .but that group who were in government. . . THE PEOPLE HATE TO HEAR THEM SPEAK!!


sheeprunner12 6 years ago

The Bahamas Dumbest Award goes to the Ministry of Education High School Diploma ........ demanding that children from public schools have 4 BJCs to graduate, when less than 30% of all students actually pass 4 BJCs .................... OR earning a Certificate of Excellence by having already passed 3 BGCSEs ....... when the vast majority of public school 11th or 12th graders do not even sit 3 BGCSEs at all!!!!!! ......... Then, there is the 27 Credits Criteria that requires students to pass ALL of their exam courses with "C" grades ............. Again, we surmise that the Fitzgerald Diploma system is rigged for Private Schools. Then you wonder why everything else in this country suffers ....... its all about Education.


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