UPDATED: Hit and run driver left victim to die in road


Tribune Staff Reporter


TRAFFIC police are investigating the circumstances surrounding a hit-and-run traffic fatality that occurred on the Tonique Williams-Darling highway.

The death of Friday’s victim, a man, pushed 2018’s traffic death toll to 56.

According to reports, a man was attempting to cross the highway near a business establishment shortly after 11pm, when he was struck by a red Suzuki car travelling in the east bound lane.

The driver of the vehicle did not remain at the scene.

Paramedics attempted to revive the victim but were unsuccessful, and he was pronounced dead at the scene.

The incident follows the deaths of two pedestrians, a man and a woman, who were killed following a collision with a car driven by an off-duty marine.

According to police, the driver was heading north on Marathon Road in the area of Samana Drive shortly before 1am when she lost control of her car and struck the pair, both of whom died at the scene.

The Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF) identified the driver as an off-duty marine who was driving a private vehicle. The statement noted that the marine, a woman, waited for paramedics and police to arrive at the scene before being taken by ambulance to the Princess Margaret Hospital for medical treatment.

Those fatalities followed a serious of traffic accidents that took place in Grand Bahama on September 15 involving four vehicles, including a church bus transporting parishioners.

According to reports, the incident occurred shortly before 8pm on the Warren J Levarity Highway.

The driver of the bus and passengers suffered both slight and serious injuries.

Last week, a Bill was tabled in Parliament with proposed amendments to the Road Traffic Act, one of which will make it illegal to drive or operate a vehicle while using a cellphone.

The Bill, tabled on Wednesday, makes it illegal to drive or operate a vehicle while using an electronic communications device, “whether by holding in one hand or both hands or with any other part of the body or otherwise,” unless the device is attached to the motor vehicle or is a part of a fixture in the vehicle.

The legislation further requires “the device remain affixed while being used or operated, or is specially adapted or designed to be affixed to the person of the driver or operator as a hands-free device and is used to enable the driver or operator to use or operate the electronic communication device without holding it”.

Driving instructors also will be prohibited from holding electronic devices under the Bill but the stipulation will not apply to those driving emergency vehicles or a vehicle that is lawfully parked and not impeding traffic. The penalty for contravening these provisions will be a fine not exceeding $1000.

If the bill becomes law, it will also become illegal to have an open alcoholic beverage while driving.

The amendment also prohibits people from obtaining a license if they have outstanding fines or have not paid the requisite fees.


bogart 5 years, 12 months ago

Pardon me ....but when da hell will the authorities wake up and take some ..concrete steps to help prevrnt these senseless ...avoidable knoching down people dead as dey crossing .... 1. If they are happening at certain pojnts where pedestrians patronize ....certain stores across the road.....easy a $1000 ...speed bump 2. An electronic signnal like erected by COB 3. Underground tunnel as the road seems elevated. 4. Cameras in ya face 5.Flood lights to illuminate certain crossings 6. Whatever happened to enforcing thd speed limit wid signs posted before crossings to give drivers ample time to slow fown and give pedestrian a fair chance.????

B_I_D___ 5 years, 12 months ago

LMAO...Bogart say underground tunnel...ROTFL Bahamians walk when and where they please and Jitney's stop anywhere there is NOT a designated bus stop...I lose respect for pedrestrians when you slow down to let you cross and they do the slow walk from hell when you were trying to do them a favour...

ThisIsOurs 5 years, 12 months ago

"Highway". Pedestrian education. It will only get worse. I once saw a woman crossing diagonally from Robinson road westbound lane to marathon mall. Yes I said diagonally. Straight through the intersection.

tell_it_like_it_is 5 years, 12 months ago

Trust me if the driver "runs" I doubt it's the pedestrian's fault.

ThisIsOurs 5 years, 12 months ago

Sure, that's a troubling trend, for myself I was speaking to the increased reports of pedestrians being killed on "highways". You're taking your life in your hands for a shortcut

DDK 5 years, 12 months ago

Bogart, before the authorities implement any of your suggestions they would have to actually CARE. If any of them do actually care, getting them to ACT is another story.

If not under-pass, how about enclosed OVER-passes at strategic locations?

rawbahamian 5 years, 12 months ago

More than likely, he staggered across the street from the bar but nonetheless, that doesn't lessen the fact that he is human. There really needs to be some sort of intervention put in place to stop these killings in the same place !!!

Future 5 years, 12 months ago

This happens regularly and not all are reported. I know of 2 hit and runs that happened within a hour or each other a few weeks ago. In one of the instances, the driver had to consciously leave the road and go on the sidewalk to hit the person. These are deliberate hits but the authorities are trying to keep this info hush-hush.

bogart 5 years, 12 months ago

Thanks DDK. Deadly accidents are happening wid great frequency along this higway....well past time that govt notices...after all the area MP should know of dem all usually having to attennd all the funreals......the Pastors should know...likely having to bury all..... It would appear from the getgo the idea of placing consumer stores on one side of a busy highway...and high dense populaton on the other side was a recipe for disaster....dozen plus lives lost so far...?.? When a govt can spend and see millions mismanaged....baseball park in the same area...cost overruns millioms .........and not a penny to investigate all these deaths....simple braking thinking formula average vehicles...well know to calculate braking distamces.....60 mph..some 180 feet ....unless person drunk...on drugs..etc.....and...even if da pedestrian is walking on dere hands backwards an naked on da road.....the driver should be capable ..of seeing and braking on time.....????....but people keep getting knocked ddown dead..........mind you currently being discussed wid govt is the effects of too much one type of long line fishing gone be killing too many fish......noway saving lives of fish more inportant than saving people.....where da MP.......???

Fitmiss 5 years, 12 months ago

How about amending the bill to charge persons for murder when they hit and kill a pedestrian? Especially those that leave the scene. You kill someone with a car, and only have to pay a fine? That is pure foolishness.

BONEFISH 5 years, 12 months ago

First,my condolences to the family of the man killed in this latest accident on that highway.I know four previous persons struck down and killed on the TWD highway. That highway is not properly lighted and needs to be lighted. The pedestrian crossings needs to be repainted.There should be PDA explaining and showing road safety issues on the various medias. I commend the FNM government with their amendments to the Road Safety Act.This will bring some sense oof order to our streets. This should been done years ago.However the ministry of works under successive governments PLP and FNM, have been lack,and down right lousy in road lighting,markings and maintenance issues.

truetruebahamian 5 years, 12 months ago

I think Bogart had too many Tide pods again.

truetruebahamian 5 years, 12 months ago

Has anyone commented about the flattened gates and fencing around pedestrian crossings and the squished bollards? So many in charge of vehicles don't know how to drive. Those who flee a scene are more than likely without driver's licence, insurance, annual car licences, unlawfully driving someone else's car that should have been on the scrap heap years ago, drunk, using a cell phone, had their licence confiscated by the courts, on the run for other offences or maybe a combination of many or all in total.

bogart 5 years, 12 months ago

Sadly a Bahamian has died, someone loved, family member....not the first given the existing continuing situation pedestrians being killed. No amount of talking, insulting can justify these loss of pedestrian lives. Yes...it may very well be expected that friends or persons knowing the culprit will be monitoring to see what is developing. Changes are needed to stop these deaths.

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