Most Bahamians to miss growth benefits


Sir Franklyn Wilson


Tribune Business Editor


A well-known businessman yesterday voiced fears that the “overwhelming majority” of Nassau residents may not feel the benefits even with the capital’s economy poised for “a good inning” in 2020.

Sir Franklyn Wilson told Tribune Business that the increasing wealth gap between “the haves and have nots” appeared to be “off the radar” where the government was concerned, even though “fewer and fewer” Bahamians were seeing their share of national income increase.

He argued that the cruise port’s $250m transformation, together with other multi-million dollar developments such as Baha Mar’s water-based theme park, The Pointe’s completion, the Gold Wynn and Hurricane Hole projects, and continued investment by the likes of Albany would ensure New Providence’s economy enjoys “a good year” - but only at the macroeconomic level.

“I believe New Providence is poised to have a good inning,” the Arawak Homes and Sunshine Holdings chairman told this newspaper. “I think there’s a reasonable basis to think that New Providence will have a good year...

“However, you know, while I say New Providence should have a good inning, those are macroeconomic numbers. While the macroeconomic numbers may be favourable, the impact on the majority of people may not necessarily follow as the gap between the haves and have nots continues to widen.

“The pot as a whole is getting bigger, but fewer and fewer people are getting a decent share. Even when I say New Providence will have a good inning, I’m talking in macroeconomic terms which may not necessarily translate to the overwhelming majority of the population a year from now feeling any better off. The majority will not feel any better off.”

Sir Franklyn said the government seemed to have forgotten the growing income inequality, and widening gap between rich and lower income Bahamians, given that none of its public statements or speeches had ever addressed the issue.

“I have yet to hear any government minister make any statement that they see this as an issue,” he added. “I cannot think of any statement a cabinet minister has made which specifically addresses the imbalance between the haves and the have nots as a key public policy issue. This is not even on the radar of the authorities.”

Concerns over income inequality, and a widening gap between rich and poor stemming from a middle class ‘squeeze’, have been voiced periodically ever since the 2008-2009 recession. Real per capita incomes took 10 years to recover to their pre-recession levels, hitting this mark only in 2017.

Sir Franklyn, meanwhile, suggested that K Peter Turnquest, deputy prime minister, may come under pressure from his Cabinet colleagues to loosen spending and other fiscal controls in a bid to shore up the Government’s popularity just over half-way through its term in office.

Asked about the Government’s ability to avoid a further sovereign credit rating downgrade post-Dorian, he replied: “Minster Turnquest, he is really giving it a good shot. He is trying. I’m sure he will do his personal best to try and avoid it.

“I get the sense that there’s some restlessness within the Cabinet. They sense the popularity of the Government is not trending in a favourable direction, so they will push the minister of finance to do things which may not be consistent with avoiding that downgrade. I think a lot truly depends on the extent to which the Minister of Finance can be strong in the face of pressure from his own Cabinet colleagues.”

The Government previously revealed it will have to seek Parliamentary approval to borrow an extra $508m to finance post-Hurricane Dorian reconstruction, blowing out its projected 2019-2020 fiscal deficit to $677.5m from the initially projected $137m.

Its Fiscal Strategy Report also shows it borrowing a further $499m in 2020-2021, and $301.2m in 2021-2022, meaning that the Minnis administration is forecasting it will need to borrow some $1.479bn over its final three years in office and taking the national debt to nearly $9.5bn.

The likes of Standard & Poor’s (S&P) and Moody’s have effectively taken a wait-and-see approach, though, seemingly preferring to assess how The Bahamas manages the post-Dorian fall-out and whether it can restrain any unnecessary spending before moving to again narrow the deficit.

Sir Franklyn yesterday urged Mr Turnquest to follow “the Paul Adderley model” and “put country before party” in how he handles the public finances in the aftermath of the Category Five storm.

He added that it was “likely to be significant” that Mr Turnquest was finance minister, rather than the Prime Minister, which was the structure employed by all Dr Hubert Minnis’ predecessors. 

“Thank God that we do not have that model where the Prime Minister is the de facto minister of finance,” Sir Franklyn told Tribune Business. “Experience has shown whether it was Pindling, Ingraham or Christie, it’s hard under that model to resist pressure to open up the purse.

“Thank God we don’t have that model today. Hopefully, the deputy prime minister has the ability on his part to say: ‘Man, let’s not look at this thing in the short run’. The late Paul Adderley increased taxes right before the 1992 general election. He had to know that what he was doing was good for the country even if it was bad for the party.

“I say to Mr Turnquest: ‘Keep in mind the Paul Adderley model’. Do the right thing. If you do the right thing for the country it may not be good for the party, but country first.”


Economist 4 years, 4 months ago

Thank you Sir Franklyn, we do need to support the Minister of Finance and resist the spending.

It may not be popular as we always want a no pain solution. I remember the December 1991 Budget and how unpopular the then Minister was.


momoyama 4 years, 4 months ago

Actually, Sir Franklyn starts off on a very good point (the huge and utterly unnecessary income gap that is growing in our country) then meanders into the nonsensical proposition that reducing spending will somehow help. In fact, it is the lack of adequate spending, coupled with regressive taxes on the poor and almost nonexistent taxes on the rich that have us in the conundrum he speaks of.

Virtually all other capitalist countries (in the Caribbean, Europe, North America - you name it) spend about 40 percent of their wealth, which they obtain from taxes, on education, policing, health and all other government responsibilities.

In the Bahamas, we spend 18%. Why? Because we refuse to tax progressively, and instead pile taxes onto consumption (regressive taxes) where they disproportionately harm the poorest and keep down consumer spending.

We should be spending WAY more relative to the size of our economy. But we should be taxing WAY more - not on the poor and middle class, but on the wealthy and corporations. Commonwealth Brewery pays ZERO taxes on 100+ million in corporate profits, while high income earners (like myself) pay ZERO in income tax. If that sounds fair and sustainable to you and Sir Franklyn, then I would respectfully submit that neither of you are economists.


Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 4 months ago

Translation: The very corrupt Snake ain't spending enough of his ill-gotten riches. LMAO


Porcupine 4 years, 4 months ago

All excellent and accurate points momoyama. However, the educated rich ones, the ones who influence policy and our papers the most, don't want any change at all. They are perfectly fine with the way things are, for themselves.


realitycheck242 4 years, 4 months ago

“I say to Mr Turnquest: ‘Keep in mind the Paul Adderley model’. Do the right thing. If you do the right thing for the country it may not be good for the party, but country first.”

Spoken like a true PLP snake. who wants to see the PLP back in power next general election.


tetelestai 4 years, 4 months ago

I cant believe that this is your takeaway from this article. Amazing.


birdiestrachan 4 years, 4 months ago

You all call Mr: Wilson a snake. What do you all call Mr: Brent Symonette "YESSA BOSS" of just Master.?


Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 4 months ago

A white snake of course. Didn't you know they come in all colours?


birdiestrachan 4 years, 4 months ago

You made me laugh. Laughter is good for the soul

May the good Lord bless us all with the things that mean the most. Joy, Peace and the kind of FAITH that can move mountains. God is still in charge, the year 2020


mckenziecpa 4 years, 4 months ago

Sir Franklyn made some very good points and in doing so is starting to care for the poor. How many wealthy people speak out like this, even if Sir Franklyn motive is selfish he has the courage to call it like it is.


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