Tariffs dropped for plastic ban

THE law has been amended so biodegradable materials can be imported tariff free before the single-use plastic ban goes into effect tomorrow.

The amendments, circulated yesterday by Bahamas Information Services, were gazetted on December 19th.

Among the items that can be brought in duty free are compostable food waste bag liners, cystalized PLA, CPLA and RCPLA tablewares, kitchenwares and biodegradable straws; and wooden stirrers and wood cutlery.

Once the ban takes effect, businesses will not be able to import plastic straws, styrofoam food containers, plastic utensils and single-use plastic shopping bags.

Stores will be allowed to charge customers a per bag fee of between 25 cents and $1. The cost of the bags must appear on a customer’s receipt as a “check out bag fee”.

Companies will be allowed to keep the fees collected for the sale of these bags and a record must be kept of the number of bags supplied during the reporting year along with the gross and net proceeds of the sale.

Failure to keep these records could result in fines up to $2,000. Failure to supply a copy of the record to the Ministry of the Environment carries a fine up to $1,000.


TheMadHatter 4 years, 4 months ago

So now we wait to see WHAT and HOW MANY forms we have to fill out this time to bring in these new items from Customs. It seems every time Parliament passes a law that we can bring in something duty free - and army of Customs officers are suddenly equipped with Form A, Form B, and Form C and we need to provide blood samples and our great grandmother's shoe size in order to comply.

Finally, with those fines, I predict the big boys like Super Value etc will just forego the record keeping and pay the fine to cover the year. What's with the fine anyway? Do they think stores are going to charge people $5 per bag? Who is going to shop at those stores? Let the market take care of itself. Stores will learn quick enough that if they charge STUPID high bag fees that they will lose customers. Why is capitalism not allowed to work in the Bahamas? Don't get me started on gasoline. Ssshhh.


sealice 4 years, 4 months ago

they want your capital(ism) they just want to TAX TF out of it before you can get your share....


BahamaRed 4 years, 4 months ago

So why is there still 45% duty on reusable straws and grocery sacks. Smh...


sealice 4 years, 4 months ago

we should probably get rid of the wooden sticks for stirring drinks - especially as most fat arssed Bahamians need to GTF out of starbucks and get into the sun and be active.....


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