Petition won't stop Disney development

Lighthouse Point.

Lighthouse Point.


Dionisio D’Aguilar


Deputy Chief Reporter


TOURISM Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar yesterday said the petition against Disney Cruise Lines’ development of a port at Lighthouse Point will have no bearing on the project proceeding.

“The government has already made a decision on this. That project is going forward,” Mr D’Aguilar said as he rejected the petition, which had garnered more than 32,000 signatures up to press time.

The Freetown MP further doubled down on the government’s confidence in Disney’s ability to proceed with the project in the best way possible, insisting the developer was sure to handle the environment with sensitivity.

“I have said before that Disney is a stellar company that is world renowned for its reputation on the environment, on employment matters, on labour issues,” the minister said outside Cabinet.

“They’ve given us a commitment that they’re going to keep it low density (and) they’re very, very, very mindful of the environment.”

Mr D’Aguilar continued: “This is Disney after all. They are not prepared to jeopardise their incredible reputation over a project like this and so we are very confident that if there was one company that could develop this project and do it with the environment in mind and being sensitive to environmental matters, Disney is that company.”

Asked whether there had been consultation with environmentalists, Mr D’Aguilar said: “This would have been dealt with not certainly in my remit as Minister of Tourism, this would have been dealt with at the Investment Authority certainly when the project was being evaluated and brought forward. But government has made a decision on this so we are mindful to proceed and it is going according to planned.

“We need not forget that Disney has donated 200 acres to the Bahamian people for our free and clear use, so we still think that it’s a good deal.”

Of its massive support, the “Stop Disney - Last Chance for Lighthouse Point” campaign has said there is growing global opposition to Disney’s plan for the development of a cruise port at the iconic site located at the southern tip of Eleuthera.

On Monday, campaign organizers called on Disney to find another site for its cruise port. They also urged the conglomerate to work with local groups for a win-win alternative that would protect the unique site and secure sustainable economic opportunities for the communities in South Eleuthera.

A full-page advertisement in The Tribune newspaper on this new petition flagged the campaign’s viral traction, attracting some 20,000 signatures within 12 days of its public launch on July 15. It garnered another 10,000 signatures since the advertisement had been submitted for publication.

Campaign Director Phoebe Shaw underscored “it’s not too late” for Disney to “change course and find a different site” for its port.

“For the first time, Disney has felt compelled to respond publicly to the Bahamian environmental groups,” the campaign’s statement read, “but Disney still does not address the fundamental issues set out in the campaign’s website: StopDisney.com.”


birdiestrachan 4 years, 9 months ago

the Bahamian people voted for the FNM overwhelming ,So these fellows can do what ever they please.

They can call black folks African monkeys , Rise VAT 60 % and tax Bahamians the poor ones beyond endurance, They voted for that. Call BAH MAR sale fake. it is all good,


Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 9 months ago

Your postings to this web site only help the FNM cause, and you're much too thick to appreciate that simple fact. LMAO


DDK 4 years, 9 months ago

IT'S THE PEOPLE'S TIME. Hope the 32,000 signatories do not bite the Minister and his cronies in their collective derrieres come election time.

“We need not forget that Disney has donated 200 acres to the Bahamian people for our free and clear use, so we still think that it’s a good deal.” How ludicrous can they get?

What a disgusting display of lack of regard and greed of the powerful and wealthy. Hope the Government and The Mouse People get what's coming to them.


Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 9 months ago

If you cast your vote for either the FNM, PLP or DNA candidate back in May 2017....you will probably do likewise in 2022. That being the case, why waste your time complaining on web sites like this one?


DWW 4 years, 9 months ago

Are you interested in the Bahamas becoming communist or socialist? i can't tell. (squints eyes) You obviously don't believe that a person should be able to keep the fruits of their labour.


Clamshell 4 years, 9 months ago

It might be worth noting here that the PLP on Eleuthera also support the Disney plan ... it’s about the only thing PLP and FNM agree on over there.


concerned799 4 years, 9 months ago

Well, perhaps then the neither the PLP nor the FNM are what the Bahamas needs in the 2019 era and the people must chose a new party.


concerned799 4 years, 9 months ago

Where is the Bahamas National Trust on this?

Which biologists state that a fragile reef can survive being in the midst of a cruise ship mega terminal with thousands of people each and every day using the waters?


sealice 4 years, 9 months ago

Classic example of central government not listening to anyone - all they want is the PR and the kick backs they put in their pockets - nothing will get to the working Bahamian from this project once the doors to the new magic kingdom south open up.
Gonna be a bunch of straw vendors stuck on the outside of the fence (just like the other cruise ship port in south eleuthera) while every tourist comes to the island but eats and drinks off the ship.... once again we get nothing from the gubmint them although they seem quite pleased with themselves on this one.

And since when did they need (2) docks for cruise ships? Nassau is 21 miles long has more boats then anyone else and only has (1)?


TigerB 4 years, 9 months ago

This Disney and Post office things is a pain. Both the government and opposition had sat and it was pass., it wasnt done in secret. Not sure why we still here as a newspaper. The expression, "beating a dead horse" comes to mind."


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