TRIBUNE COMMENT: Another drive-by, a man falls fatally shot. We should all be shocked but today after so many killed it’s as if NO ONE CARES

A still from the video which shows the moment of the shooting.

A still from the video which shows the moment of the shooting.



Video of the shooting on Dunmore Street.

Video of the shooting on Dunmore Street.

THIS is the moment gunfire erupted on a quiet street on Wednesday evening – and yesterday it felt as if no one seemed to care another life had been taken.

Police didn’t even tell the media to begin with – a Tribune reporter was given a tip and called police to ask, who confirmed there had been a shooting and a man was taken to hospital

In a police press release yesterday morning the murder was not even the top item on the list, third down behind another non-fatal shooting and a school fire in Andros.

There has been no press conference, no word from senior officers.

Nothing from Travis Robinson, the MP in whose constituency the shooting took place.

Silence from the pastors, the church, community leaders.

Nothing from Minister of National Security Marvin Dames who started Wednesday telling us that killings often involve people who know one another rather than happening randomly. In essence he was saying we all really shouldn’t worry that much if we don’t hang around with people involved in these killings.

There was nothing from the Prime Minister’s office to reassure the public. Nothing from the Opposition to ask questions or assure us they would do any better.

Have we really come to the point where a drive-by killing is treated so casually? A murder met with a shrug. Just another day. A man lies dead – and no one will speak for him.

Have we really come to the point where a drive-by killing is treated so casually?

So, who cares that this happened? Who cares for the victim? Who cares that this takes place in our streets and is not met with outrage?

This must not become our new normal. A Bahamian man is dead. We should treat his death with the urgency it demands.

Full story HERE


TalRussell 4 years, 11 months ago

Seemingly just before another soul falls victim shooters bullets, the comrade minister responsible Populaces security - often approaches media utter his wearing thin trademark catchphrase "I hear no gunfire, I see nothing remotely looking likes gunfire".... And, I wouldn't admits how recognise gunfire - even if I were unfortunately steering directly at projectile as it was leaving gun's barrel, yes, no.............


birdiestrachan 4 years, 11 months ago

The FNM claim to fame the only one they have is that murders are down. so they will do their best not to report but they can not. At one time when the FNM was the government there were many killings that were called unclassified.

NO GAMES would like to boast that he as a FNM has the answer to murders he does not. People who commit murder do not see FNM PLP or DNA.

There is a root cause to murder. and cutting of the top. the root still remains. The answer is in the roots.


tell_it_like_it_is 4 years, 11 months ago

Why is the Tribune showing the video of this shooting online on their site?
I don't think that's appropriate for a so-called professional newspaper.


Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 11 months ago

You've raised a good point. In fact any media outlet showing this horrific video is interfering with the ability of law enforcement to conduct a full and proper investigation. We can only hope the next of kin were properly notified of this incident before being subjected to viewing it on The Tribune's website. The Tribune's editor is clearly under too much pressure from The Tribune's owners to boost circulation no matter what additional grief they may cause to a murdered man's family members.


Godson 4 years, 11 months ago

Jeremiah 8:22: Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?

I read this bible passage about three mornings back. And I concluded that, as it relates to us, The Commonwealth of The Bahamas, the answer is YES. There are medicines to heal the sicknesses and diseases of Country; and there is a skilled and trained physician who can diagnose and treat our sick citizens back to health and social well-being. However, the balm in The Bahamas is being applied by unenlightened, inexperienced and unskilled common laborers (PLP & FNM politicians, as well as, church leaders) for other applications other than its intended purpose: the healing of Our Country.

As for the physician, he was made to leave off from what he was trained and qualified to do; and instead, he has had to give his attention to his own personal need for survival. The resources that should have otherwise been allocated and directed to employ him for his skills and talents has been allocated out to political family, friends and lovers. Most recently, the appointment of Ruth Bowe-Darville just days before the date of her retirement age.

So for now, until we come to respect and accept the anointed physician, and his balm, we may have to accept the killings of our youths as the status quo, the norm.


proudloudandfnm 4 years, 11 months ago

When they find these scumbags the police just need to blow them away, no need for a trial, save us the money. Just kill them all....


DDK 4 years, 11 months ago

Aren't they doing that already?


mandela 4 years, 11 months ago

The big question is with this new intelligence agency why are they not finding out where and how these PUNKS are getting these guns to the street. What is so twisted the police boasts when they make a marijuana bust, but marijuana doesn't kill, yet they can't make a gun bust, something that kills. RBPF, RBDF, FORGET THE MARIJUANA BUST AND GO AFTER THE GUNS.


Well_mudda_take_sic 4 years, 11 months ago

I would not discount the murderers in the drive-by shooting vehicle having had their brains totally fried long ago by the long term smoking of today's genetically engineered marijuana which has freigteningly high toxic levels of potency. Most of these low-life murderous thugs are suffering from marijuana induced schitzoprenic episodes of one kind or another. They have turned their brains to mush, to the point where uncontrollable violent basic instincts now rule their lives. And to think many in our country today want the casual smoking of marijuana legalized for their own very greedy economic self-gain!


DWW 4 years, 11 months ago

you well not mother you have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. go smoke a joint and then tell me you are feeling violent. your kind is the source of all evil in this country.


TheMadHatter 4 years, 11 months ago

I hear ya, but if people could grow their own, then they wouldn't have to rely on other people's genetic recipes.


hrysippus 4 years, 11 months ago

Madhater; I with you on this one. It would also remove the profit motive and dry up the drug gangs major source of income. Indoor hydroponics, all you need is a cupboard space, and of course the ability to pay you bigger bpl bill.


JackArawak 4 years, 11 months ago

Mudda, you have no idea of what you are saying. Brains to mush "LOL"


DWW 4 years, 11 months ago

very very good point. always lauding that they captured some herb, but you rarely hear about the stash of guns found or confiscated, or the bust of the gun smuggler. perhaps if they did they'd be out of a job. Is it all just job security?


sealice 4 years, 11 months ago

this is what the Bahamas created with Years and years of PLP & FNM's apathy towards Bahamians in general. As soon as they are elected they switch gears to themselves everytime...... why do we keep voting? This isn't the only glaring thing that our government have not shown any interest in ..... stop crying and writing articles and go do something apparently years of the crying and writing don't work....


Godson 4 years, 11 months ago

I support your comments wholeheartedly. I aim to and hope that you'll be ready to support me.


John 4 years, 11 months ago

For we wanted to come to you—certainly I, Paul, did, again and again—but Satan blocked our way. Not that they don’t care, but some didn’t know. And some who knew are tired of the pain


jus2cents 4 years, 11 months ago

The pathetic small boys that are doing this kind of thing are without a doubt full blown cowards, shooting unarmed people whilst hiding behind tinted car windows is not brave.

By their own actions they will go to hell soon that's for sure, but why are the parents and preachers not stopping this?

People Know these parasites, people produce and harbor these thugs, those people are just as culpable.


TheMadHatter 4 years, 11 months ago

No one cares, because each is one less competitor for the few scarce jobs.


BONEFISH 4 years, 11 months ago

An us and them mentality has developed here on the island of New Providence.Quite a few persons are living in bubbles.Also many persons have simply become numb and desensitized to the violence on this island.


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