Weather solution ‘answer to our prayers’

The teams at Friday’s meeting.

The teams at Friday’s meeting.

It’s happy faces all round for these senior officials at Bahamas Met Office.

On Friday the Met Office director and his top team met with representatives of new local company - Bahamas, Aviation, Climate & Severe Weather Network.

The Network was able to outline to the Met team its revolutionary weather mapping technology, all covered by recognised Bahamian Intellectual Property Design rights so as to keep it in safe Bahamian hands.

The Network is a multi-million dollar investment which has the endorsement of renowned US aerospace and defence contractor Raytheon which describes its product - now offered to The Bahamas - as a “first of its kind”.

The technology involves the creation of a unique network of ‘severe weather sensors’ which will create highly detailed maps covering atmospheric and climate conditions, surface hydrology which are linked to air and sea traffic movements becoming vital tools during severe weather events such as Hurricane Dorian.

The Bahamas would be able to use the Network to create detailed 3D imagery showing exactly what conditions will be like - even down to individual street level - in a severe weather event.

Raytheon believes the Network will make The Bahamas a world leader in weather and environmental technology.

Met Office officials said after Friday’s meeting the new system was “an answer to our prayers”.


TalRussell 4 years, 2 months ago

But... the smiles for the answers to colony's government's prayers - does always begins disappear once the expensive bills start rolling in for what always ends up costings the PopulcesPurse in the multimillion-dollars. Yeah, no made the the more so when not a single damn one them fancy tech systems - does perform to do what it was developed to do? What more can I say other than - You can't write this. Just, can't.


joeblow 4 years, 2 months ago

What difference does it make if the governments response to severe weather events is going to be as poor as it has been in the past?


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