Plans underway for 'virtual' Independence celebrations

FOR the first time in the nation’s history, Bahamians will not gather en masse to celebrate the country’s independence due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Instead, the national independence celebrations committee is preparing a four-hour, made for television, virtual independence programme that will air on Thursday, July 9.

The programme will be produced by Andrew Burrows.

The theme for the 47th independence anniversary is ‘Pressing Onward: A time of Hope, Triumph and Transformation’.

Mark Humes, Fort Charlotte MP and chairman of the committee said this year’s event will be historic because for the first time, Bahamians will not be able to gather for celebrations on Bay Street, at Government House or at historic Clifford Park – the site of every major independence celebration from the downing of the Union Jack to the raising of the black, aquamarine and gold Bahamas flag in 1973.

This made-for-television special will feature a star-studded cast of young Bahamian sketch comedic artists who are making a splash all over social media.

A special tribute and recognition will be paid to the victims of Hurricane Dorian and COVID-19. Those who have lost loved ones to Hurricane Dorian and COVID-19 and would like to have them memorialised during the ‘In Memoriam’ segment should send a photograph and a biography of no more than 200 words on their loved ones to email address nationalevents@bahamas.gov.bs.


mrsmith 3 years, 10 months ago

Ha! Virtual celebrations to match our imaginary independence!


joeblow 3 years, 10 months ago

Successive governments have pissed away the enormous potential this country had to be a beacon in the Caribbean and indeed the world through greed, pettiness and tribalism. I might just celebrate Independence by pissing against a tree to memorialize that!


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