Airport is open and fully operational

The Lynden Pindling International Airport. (File photo)

The Lynden Pindling International Airport. (File photo)

LYNDEN Pindling International Airport remains open and fully operational, the Nassau Airport Development Company has advised.

“The airport is not closing in the foreseeable future,” NAD said in a brief statement yesterday. “We are continuing to monitor the global spread of COVID-19 and are working closely with local health officials and our airport partners to ensure the safety and security of all LPIA users.”

Travellers are advised to contact individual airlines for updates on flight schedules.

A list of all airlines and their contacts can be found on LPIA’s website. For the latest information on the airport operations, visit www.nassaulpia.com.


pileit 4 years, 2 months ago

The United States is following the same new case curve as Italy, offset about 7 days, 2600 new cases today, and total infections crossing through 9000. Why are US carriers and random private jets landing here without any protocol whatsoever. There's no point plugging 4 out of 5 holes in a boat and thinking you've done something.


Baha10 4 years, 2 months ago

This is insane ... we are acting as a hub for international travelers to get around flight restrictions impacting their normal flight routes. Indeed, it already appears it is though this very Airport that “Patient 0” arrived ... and that was most likely “at east” 2 to 3 weeks ago now, so one can only imagine the number of infected people that arrived since and interacted with Flight Attendants, Baggage Handlers, Customs Officers, Taxi Drivers, etc. History could well end up judging this as our dumbest decision of all time ... literally! Just ask the Italians what they would have done differently if they could turn back time.


joeblow 4 years, 1 month ago

This is the kind of double message that makes it clear that the government is not serious. They are saying they are at "war with the virus" yet they keep the borders open to allow people from affected areas to keep coming in. Such nonsense will only prolong the period of economic recovery as new cases keep popping up. How can they not see this?


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