Man who gave police fake name fined $100


Tribune Staff Reporter


A 24-year-old man who gave a police officer a fake name while he was searched several days ago was fined $100 on Friday.

Kevin Estelhomme appeared before Magistrate Ambrose Armbrister after he was accused of giving Police Constable 4057 Martin a false name when officers searched him on October 28.

The prosecution said around 10.35pm on the night in question, officers on Baillou Hill Road near A F Adderley Junior High stopped and searched Estelhomme.

When they questioned the defendant, he told them his name was Jamal Smith. However, when further inquiries were made, officers discovered his name was actually Kevin Estelhomme.

The defendant was subsequently arrested. In an interview with police, he told officers he gave them a fake name because he was scared and under the influence of alcohol.

After pleading guilty to the offence, he was fined $100 or two weeks on remand.

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