Say it with music: Tribune readers reveal their favourite gospel songs




THE power of music is universal, crossing all barriers and all borders. It can uplift, make one reflect, and it can even have a therapeutic effect.

Depending on the genre, music can be both exciting and comforting, in more ways than one. And for many Christians, the preferred genre is that of gospel music.

Tribune Religion spoke to a number of readers who talked about the specific songs that are most meaningful to them.

“Everyone has that gospel song that sneaks itself into the playlist on a ride in your car. The one where you go from raising the roof to a R&B or hip-hop song to then crying in praise and worship. For me that song is ‘Spirit Lead Me’ by Hillsong,” said Breanna Gibson.

“No matter what I am going through at the time in my life, that song touches me so deeply. The crying isn’t because I’m sad, it’s because how deep it touches me. Most gospel songs have this effect on me, to be honest, but that particular one is touching. Maybe because I’ve also tied it to a particular hard time in my past that I experienced.”

For Crystal Bain, her go-to gospel tune is “I Will Exalt You” by Todd Galberth.

“It is one of my favourite worship songs right now because it is isn’t a song that focuses on trials and tribulations in life. It is a song that purely focuses on who God is and it makes Him the focus of my worship. Many times, people relate to gospel songs because they speak to something they may have experienced, but that song is so special to me because it takes the focus off of you and your problems and forces you to turn your attention to the problem solver that is God, who is worthy to be worshipped and praised. And to me, that is what true worship is: complete focus on God Himself,” she said.

Kelly Hamilton believes for every challenge she faces, there is an appropriate gospel song that reminds her of God’s promises.

She said it almost brings her to tears every time she thinks of how good God is to her and those around her.

“Sometimes gospel songs are the only thing you can turn to when going through dark times you don’t want to speak of. If I had to speak of just one I’d say ‘Won’t He Do It’ by Koryn Hawthorne. It’s a more new school gospel song, but it speaks to my soul no less,” she said.

The words of the song comforted Kelly in one of her darkest times.

“I felt so bad I thought I would die, but ain’t no power stronger than the one that came and laid down His life… those words alone are a reminder that the battle is already won. There is nothing you have gone through or will go through that God can’t get you out of. Cry now, but you will indeed push through and survive the hard times. Listening to gospel music is a great start to not beating yourself up due to life’s struggles and challenges. They uplift your spirit in so many ways. My advice is to start your day with gospel music – in the shower, eating your breakfast or while on your way to work – you will notice the difference throughout the day,” she said.


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