‘All clear’ given for raw conch

CONCH being prepared at a Potter’s Cay stall. Photo: Donovan McIntosh/Tribune Staff

CONCH being prepared at a Potter’s Cay stall. Photo: Donovan McIntosh/Tribune Staff

THE Bahamas Agricultural Food Safety Authority’s Food Safety and Quality Unit has said vendors can resume the sale and preparation of raw conch dishes. 

However the unit continues to advise consumers to be vigilant when consuming raw/fresh conch and urged vendors to use best industry practices for hygiene and food safety. This comes after several reports of conch poisoning cases. 

In a statement released on the weekend, BAHFSA said in March to October, “sea temperatures are highest” providing conditions “favourable for microbial growth” and therefore the public can expect additional reports of illness during this period. 

“As investigations continue, however, BAHFSA will allow vendors to resume the sale and preparation of raw (fresh) conch dishes, but vendors are urged to engage in industry best practices for hygiene and to ensure food safety such as, the thorough washing of conch under potable running water; washing one’s hands; cleaning and sanitising counter tops, utensils and cutting boards; maintaining proper storage (keeping the conch out of the sun); and ensuring that the conch used is purchased from a reliable and trusted source,” BAHFSA said in a press release. 

“BAHFSA also requires that all suppliers of conch provide a receipt of sale to their clients with their name and the name of their boat and/or business that can be used in future traceability exercises.”

Last week, the unit asked that all conch vendors stop the preparation and sale of raw/fresh conch dishes immediately due to a spate of reported conch poisoning cases. And in April, consumers were warned against eating raw/fresh conch until the source of the contamination could be determined. 

Anyone who has consumed raw conch, other seafood or any food and experiences illness is asked seek treatment at the nearest clinic, hospital or doctor’s office.

Contact BAHFSA at bahfsa@bahamas.gov.bs, christopherworrell@bahamas.gov.bs or patriciajjohnson@bahamas.gov.bs for any additional inquiries.


TalRussell 2 years, 11 months ago

While something else is/was being done for maintaining the proper healthiness handling and preparations we Conchs, the realm's prime minister is busy, pluggin' away at encouraging enterprising Coconut Waters Vendors to be settin' up roadside stalls.
It's estimated that there is easily room for a few hundred roadside stalls to be scattered about just on the Nassau Island, alone?
Comrades, this is much too serious for anyone, just be making' up the stuff which these kinds originate life, breed out from, yes?


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