Banks no longer want to serve us

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Banks and their lack of any customer service or what is their job description. Haven’t you noticed how banks don’t want to serve you personally anymore?

Why today with COVID behind us you have to still line up outside your so-called friendly bank for at least 30 minutes and then wait on line inside for a further 15 minutes to get what used to be friendly service? Why? In one bank out west imagine customers on line outside of the branch were held up by robbers...yes held up by robbers. The robber had a gun!

Is this a game... Annoy the customer enough and they will see what we, the Bank wants - we don’t want to continue to give friendly personal service use that machine and stop annoying us and disturbing us as we continue to add on service charges whilst reducing almost all personal one on one service!

Hear cheques could be the next hit.... I am totally convinced the Canadian banks have the fullest backing of the Governor of the Central Bank and if so he should be ashamed as surely his job is to ensure Joe Public continues to receive a reasonable level of service on a personal basis......imagine a bank west has a sign on the door...for personal services make an appointment for Saturday!

Oh, yes, all this hype on digital is just that - Central Bank launched their digital thing Sand Dollar and seems to be a failure [total lack of understanding and pre-concept research would have told you what the Family Island people want]. Now hype Central Bank will launch Sand Dollar as a main street service in direct competition with RBC-Scotia and CIBC – stupid you just falling into the plan of those once friendly Canadian banks.

My opinion, Central Bank should never have permitted the banks to leave the islands... what was wrong with a twice weekly bank-plane visit...it worked for years... banks profited so much they built or rented space then Ottawa’s blindness came down and Central Bank accommodated.

Thank goodness we have a friendly locally owned bank... which is going to have to expand and defy the interdict of Ottawa that a friendly personal banking service is best - Central Bank thought you were supposed to be on the People’s side?



April 30, 2022.


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