Front Porch: Catholic Social Teaching promotes, protects and defends the radical dignity of the human person

Front Porch Catholic Social Teaching


Twocent 2 months, 2 weeks ago

It could be argued that any secular or religious social teaching has the ability to promote, protect and defend the racial dignity of the human person; a closer look into other cultures, based on other philosophical teachings, will show that to be true. But is this true of Roman Catholicism at its fundamental core of values? I suggest it is not. History clearly shows us a series of human rights abuses from the mother root of Catholicism through it various western offshoots. The ideology that allows for such atrocities to the human person stems from the Augustinian and Anselmian errors that are the foundation of the elitist concept of Papism. The moral teachings of The Roman version of the universal (catholic) Church distorted the idea of equality into a moral superiority through works of virtue. The idea that the Pope is infallible extends to the concept that Catholics were (are) somehow “better” than others, who need “conversion”. This principle can be found in Anglicanism, Protestantism, and especially with those who teach “saved to the uttermost” theology. This is not what Christ taught. The teaching that truly promotes, protects, and defends the human person is an undistorted Orthodoxy. Not a cultural Orthodoxy, not a worldly, Orthodoxy, not an ecumenical Orthodoxy, not an Orthodoxy of compromise or heresy, but a holding fast to the Truth, as taught by Christ and His Apostles. The Church, with its teaching from Christ, has endured through the Great Schism of 1054AD, the ecumenist shift of the 1920-30’s and will endure to the very end. Seek and ye shall find.


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