Copying the FNM

EDITOR, The Tribune.

Very unusual for the PLP to copy the FNM but for some reason painting white the curbs along our roads is at full force everywhere Government employees are painting away.

Is this finding jobs to lower unemployment just finding something to do even so inane.

So fresh today but by a day or so the shining white curb is marked up - rubbed up by vehicles riding or brushing the curb - so really why paint the curbs anyway?

Shirley Street near Doctors Hospital might as well remove that pedestrian crossing and the new fancy solar flashing light because very, very few cars stop… see people needing to cross - no speed up and drive straight past. Put an undercover policeman you would fill the Treasury in two days!

Painting of pedestrian crossings most need urgent refreshing...if you want to paint things do them … the tampering strips, yellow, near Baha Mar - on Airport Highway so worn a joke you don’t see them or feel them the effect of warning the drivers is no longer...paint them if you want to paint, but this painting of curb is, oh so-colonial and to me a waste of time as in days the curb is black again which says a lot more.

Moral, stop wasting Treasury money on really stupid ideas.



April 25, 2024.


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