‘BANNED’: CINEMA SLAMS FILM RATING – ‘Demonic content’ among reasons for blocking screening


Tribune Staff Reporter


FUSION’S chief legal officer called for the “archaic and outdated” Theatre and Cinemas regulations to be amended after the Film Control Board reportedly restricted the company’s ability to show a movie by giving it a D rating.

The movie, “Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba - To The Hashira Training”, is an anime released worldwide on February 2nd.

Tecoyo Bridgewater, Fusion’s chief lawyer, said the Film Control Board gave the movie a D rating, which means “unsuitable for public viewing”.

“They cited that the movie had no storyline (preposterous, in my opinion), that it was not in English, and that it had demonic content because of beheading and dismemberment,” he said yesterday. “This is literally the content of 90 per cent of horror films.

“Their position, in my estimation, to restrict a movie for adult viewing in 2024 under some archaic and outdated legislation is unreasonable when this series is already displayed on Netflix and will be displayed on cable TV with an R rating.

“The Theatre and Cinemas Act allowing the board this unilateral power must be addressed and amended. It is a law that no longer serves the purpose for the time and, in this estimation, an abuse of authority.”

“We understand that the board is, in essence, attempting to protect young viewers, but this can be done by a C rating. It’s the age of the internet and cable TV. Fusion Superlex can be akin to a pay-per-view movie. We are a private business that allows viewing by the public for compensation. The only difference is you physically come to the cinema because we offer an added visceral experience, better sound, bigger screen, and better seating.”

Mr Bridgewater said that not showing a movie impacts revenue, employment, and the GDP.

“We believe this is an unprecedented act on the board’s behalf. I’ve reached out to the minister of youth, sports and culture on the matter.”

Minister Mario Bowleg initially told The Tribune a D rating meant people under 18 could not watch the film. He later said he would speak to the head of the Film Control Board to clarify the matter.

The New York Times reported that “Demon Slayer” was rated R for “graphic cartoon violence and some strong language”.


Lwells91 2 months, 1 week ago

This really shows the level of competence and due diligence these boards have. The film is a Japanese animated cartoon in which a young man slays demons. One would think that this sort of content would be welcomed in a Christian nation, but I digress... These people love to pat themselves on the back with their positions granted through nepotism and not merits. If anyone actually took the time to watch the film they would see just how asinine this whole thing is and what an embarrassment it is to those who claim to have authority.


Sickened 2 months, 1 week ago

Isn't this board full of sinning clergymen? I rest my case.


Delivert 2 months, 1 week ago

Guess we'll have to watch it on the Firestick then


K4C 2 months, 1 week ago

I'm old enough to recall when at the Savoy theatre they use to put their hand over the projection lens to block nudity


bahamianson 2 months, 1 week ago

So, money drives everything nowdays. If you can make money , it should be ok to do, no matter what it is. We need boundaries all around. I am not negating the above opinions, but maybe if we do this straight across the board ; we might be able to take our country back. Now , the horse has left the barn already, but let some boundaries stand. We all have sinned and.fallen short, but it doesn't mean we should not strive to do better. The fnm opened the airways back in the day., and the music played on some stations are really bad for the population. I know, who am I to decide that? But something has to give , otherwise we are only going to get worse as a.society.


ScubaSteve 2 months, 1 week ago

It's hard to believe that we are actually living in 2024 instead of 1954. In fact, this particular news story might be more embarrassing than the 20+ murders we've encountered so far for '24. Who the holy HELL does this Film Control Board think they are??????


watcher 2 months, 1 week ago

Remember how certain groups tried to ban Harry Potter, and how utterly foolish it made them appear?

Same applies here


DWW 2 months, 1 week ago

and this will surely solve the gang smuggling illegal black market drugs murders daily, of course, why didn't I think of this. Sure Putin is a bad boy because he watched demon japanese animation. good chuckles for Monday morning, thank you.


AnObserver 2 months, 1 week ago

Nah, that gang situation is a result of the church preventing condoms from being distributed in schools.


John 2 months, 1 week ago

The Simpsons are predicting there will be a Zombie Attack later this year when humans turn bloodthirsty and start attacking each after eating contaminated beef. Most likely lab meat. Two companies have been given approvals thus far to produce 30 million pounds of lab chicken this year. Production of lab beef is more complicated but testing of it is expected this year. The point: what is going on in the real world seems to be more scary than what happens in the movies. But not a fan of horror, bloody and gory movies. If adults want to go see them then that’s in them. But the rating should not allow children.


hrysippus 2 months, 1 week ago

The Bahamas Plays and Films controlling Board. Like that Little Mouse That Roared; Decided to restrict a filmed cartoon, Worried demons might make the viewers swoon. As usual their reasons made no sense, Better for all to have kept silence. But churchers have this need to harass. But justly so themselves embarrass.


hrysippus 2 months, 1 week ago

Not most all of them that watch it, not those under 18 years old, and the fact is that not hardly anyone over that age wishes to watch it it. So score 1 for the Evanvangentical religious right. Well done Moxey.


trueBahamian 2 months, 1 week ago

Another trip down censorship lane! If an idiot is given a chance, he or she has to act based on his or her programming. Therefore, they have to be an idiot.


Porcupine 2 months, 1 week ago

Taxpayer paid salaries well spent.


bahamianson 2 months, 1 week ago

Whether people like it or not, something had to be done. The video in Harbour island shows people throwing up the gun sign as they sing a song. We need to stop encouraging bad songs and movies because it is eroding the moral of this country. Do I watch movies with killings? Yes, I do. We need to reign in the children and young adults. The underage girls dress like they are adults , and the parents think it is cute. We need to get back to old school and the countey will get better, or we can let the children listen and watch movies that erode their morals and see where it takes the country. We can clearly see where we are now with all of the freedom from religion. Are we.sure we.want to forget religion and walk this road? Carnival is coming where.more morals wi be eroded , and some on this page will citizens pastors for speaking out against women showing their outer beauty publically. Let's not forget the lesson in sex positions that will be viewed by school children. But , have it your way because following Jesus apparently wasn't working for the country.


themessenger 2 months, 1 week ago

The demons are already loose on our streets and in our neighborhoods, it a pity they can't censor some of them, SMT.!


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