A $200k helping hand from Atlantis

MAJOR Roodolph Meo (left of Prime Minister Davis) accepts a donation on behalf of The Salvation Army during a charity event at Atlantis in celebration of The Royal’s 25th anniversary held at Cafe Martinique yesterday. Photos: Dante Carrer

MAJOR Roodolph Meo (left of Prime Minister Davis) accepts a donation on behalf of The Salvation Army during a charity event at Atlantis in celebration of The Royal’s 25th anniversary held at Cafe Martinique yesterday. Photos: Dante Carrer

Lend A Hand Bahamas


Tribune Staff Reporter


ATLANTIS and its partners donated over $200,000 to five non-profit organisations yesterday as the resort continued to celebrate last year’s 25th anniversary of its opening.

The Bahamas Children’s Emergency, The Salvation Army, Lend a Hand Bahamas, The Bahamas National Trust, and The National Art Gallery of the Bahamas each received $55,000.

Diamond-level sponsors of the donations included the Caribbean Bottle Company, ZAMAR Group, and Soil Limited, which each donated $25,000.

 “We’re proud of the role we’ve played and will continue to play in the health, growth, and prosperity of the most beautiful welcoming place on earth,” said Audrey Oswell, Atlantis’ president.

 Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis recalled how transformational it was when Atlantis Royal Towers opened in 1998.

 “It was an inspiring and glamorous occasion,” he said. “Bahamians enjoyed the new opportunities.”

 “Celebrities flocked to our shores to share in the excitement. And the Atlantis brand paved the way for what would be a new era for tourism in The Bahamas. If there were any doubts before, this new development, which was the region’s largest hospitality property at the time, signalled to the world that we were establishing ourselves as a global tourism mecca. Paradise Island itself was completely transformed.”

 Roodolph Meo, divisional commander of the Salvation Army Bahamas and Turks and Caicos said the $55,000 donation will give much-needed relief to the organisation.

 “Since COVID, we have been hit very hard,” he said. “This donation is very helpful and comes in at the right time when we are just recovering from COVID and all the demands that are increasing daily at our services.”

 Bahamas National Trust executive director Lakeshia Anderson-Rolle said the donation would help the organisation manage the national parks.


realfreethinker 2 months, 1 week ago

These politicians speak with fork tongues. Bwave was right there with Perry when he said he woild cancel the atlantis deal that Ingraham signed


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