Annoyed by lawless motorcyclists

EDITOR, The Tribune.

THE quiet of Sunday evening out west was broken for hours by the wheeling hoard of 10-15 motorcyclists doing their thing on West Bay…right across each side of the street.

Cable Beach Police Station right there…saw no police presence went on til past 10.30pm.

Whilst on West Bay…seems the speed limit is 60+ mph straight thru no stopping even at pedestrian crossings…when you try to cross you put your life on the line.

Invisible Police even with all those pick-ups…bright flashing lights motorcycles and oh so much PR. Need to see ya RBPF…you know these gangs- hoards go out on weekend ambush then arrest them all for speeding, endangering public.




April 16, 2024.


IslandWarrior 1 month, 1 week ago

And I repeat; again:

Stop the Traffic Assassinations

"Now, while we rightfully focus on addressing gun violence, we must not overlook the equally pressing concern of the hazardous traffic conditions faced daily by both Bahamians and tourists. Although traffic incidents may not lead to immediate deaths as frequently, the consequences of these accidents are often life-changing and tragic for many innocent road users.

Insurance companies may implement a three-strike rule for high-risk drivers, yet such drivers can easily switch to other providers. Despite the presence of substantial penalties for serious traffic violations, connections such as having a relative in the police force may enable some offenders to evade accountability.

Reckless driving behaviours such as running amber lights or failing to stop at stop signs can lead to devastating collisions, especially when these actions disregard the rights of other drivers. Such negligence can result in fatal outcomes and long-lasting repercussions for those involved.

In conclusion, the focus on addressing gang violence must extend to include the equally deadly issue of traffic violence. It is essential to direct the same level of attention and resources to both forms of violence to protect lives and foster safer communities."

New charges:

  • 3 and 4 charges of reckless driving, and you lose your driving privileges.
  • Driving with privileges revoked, $5,000 or 6 months.
  • Road rage and overly aggressive driving - $500 or 2 weeks.

... to start.


joeblow 1 month, 1 week ago

... I'm more concerned about potholes on highways. You don't seen them until you right on them and you run the risk of swerving and running into another car or off the road or dripping in the pothole and cause front end damage. Roads in Nassau are ridiculous!


hrysippus 1 month, 1 week ago

With regards to motorcyclists; the Bahamas suffers several score of traffic vehicle related deaths each year. A very small minority of these deaths involve motorcyclists and when they do it is most always the motorcycle rider, or pillion passenger, that is killed. It is so much better to suffer the occasional annoyance of a group of motorcyclists when compared to the insane driving that we have all witnessed by the motorists driving cars, buses, or trucks which actually sometimes kills people rather than just annoy them.


pt_90 1 month ago

Well its not a mutual exclusive solution that can be done, we can deal with both issues.

Now I also would guess the main reason you have a lot more car deaths is because we have a lot more cars. in 2022 there were an estiamted 260k registered vehicles. I would assume that most of them were 4+ wheel and the minority was motorcycles.

However imagine if we had 130k cars and 130k motorcycles....


bahamas12345 1 month ago

These so called motorcycle riders are a menace, they drive down the middle of the road and think you should move out of the way so they can "wheelie" through traffic. Most of them have no license plate or insurance so if they do hit you guess what, you end up paying or your insurance does after a painful police report of hit and run for your vehicle to get fixed. I have seen motorcycle police sitting at the red light and a couple of motorcycles pull up to the light and just go straight on through (again no license plate) and nothing is done by police.


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